Diagnosed with PC last year Nov, after biopsy results, PSA 21, harmone theorphy with elgard started on Dec 30, 1 month Casodex, PSA.12.8 on January 10, took herbal remedy from Asia for 15 days and continues , now PSA is 0.96, normal range Brachytherapy is scheduled April 6, should I wait as I belive herbal treatment is tested, and proven by the person who claims cure from PC and other cancers, pkease advise
IS HERBAL TREATMENT WORKING ? - Advanced Prostate...

Many supplements (antioxidants, free radical absorbers) can interfere with radiation.
If I understand correctly, you are doing the herbal supplement PLUS doing ADT. What leads you to believe it is not the ADT that is providing the entire benefit? If you were taking ONLY the supplement, with no other treatment, that PSA drop would surely be an indication that it works. But it sounds to me more like the ADT is doing what is expected.
If the herbal treatment is tested and proven by the person who claims a cure for PC and other cancers, then that person must have some evidence of both the "testing" and the "proving" parts of the claim. Without knowing what the product is or what the evidence might be, how could we really offer advice or comment on its efficacy?
People could offer opinions, though, on whether you might proceed with ADT alone or with ADT + radiation.
Herbal treatments along with conventional can help a lot. But unfortunately for us it takes some poison to slow advanced pc down .. good luck healing yourself .
If you do not mind Ch5501 i would like to know what your herbal remedy is?I must agree with most here however that you should be on one treatment or the other as you do not know which is working.
I have not been on ADT for years so am looking for alternative treatment.
it is Fogonia herb , In Brazil there was test conducted for BC with very promising results, you can Google it, it also balance your pH, mine PSA went down from 16 to 12 and then when I start taking it after Elugard PSA went to 0.96, my DR is also very surprised, will update as we go ,
It sounds like it may have some anti-cancer properties. But also consider...
1) There is no high-level evidence of its efficacy in treating PC.
2) Your source may not be lab-tested for what it actually contains:
"Commercial Fagonia products available on the web should be viewed with caution by reason of there being little to no authentication as to species contained therein, based on DNA analysis. It may be that all Fagonia species contain medicinal compounds but that had to be established as of 2015. Research carried out in 2014 in Pakistan found that all six Pakistani Fagonia species, both the verified and unverified ones, were represented in commercial Fagonia products in the Islamabad marketplace. Plant systematists caution that species other than Fagonia, as well as other, unrelated material, can be present in commercial preparations."
Many supplements/herbs can artifactually lower PSA.
A google search is quite revealing and certainly suggests some anti-cancer activity.
What is lacking is the same criteria that any / all critics will condemn - CLINICAL trials that are designed to offer some real statistical proof.
I see no harm in consuming the 'product' but I certainly wouldn't rely on it exclusively as a substitute for 'SOCs' /ADT AND / OR whatever is 'prescribed' for you at this point in time / progression.
If it 'works', you can report back to us with the great news in a few months / year from now after some form of clinical verification of success.
THANKS for sharing ....
Your PSA went from 12.8 to .96 in 15 days after adding Chinese Herb? Brachy therapy April 6th. You have time for another PSA test. If your PSA goes to undectable, why not postponne the Brachy therapy, and see what scans tell you vs initial diagnosis. If PCa cells are less, or gone, you may be on to something. On the other hand we don’t know long term efficacy of Herb. I believe Western Medicine is needed, but as we all know, not a cure for Stage 4 Metastisis PCa. It all seems like a combination of Art and Science to me, as we learn together.
Be skeptical!
But also funny is the fact that the very TOP people in some fields do seem to miss and/or deny what is sometimes uncovered at the levels just below them. John Yudkin was such a "lesser" person, and when he proposed that excessive sugar and simple carbs might play a role in heart disease as well as other ailments, he was laughed off the global stage by TOP dog Ancel Keys.
Thank you for that. I printed out the cartoon and will discreetly place it where my wife will find it. I love her and the taste of the miso soup with potatoes, mushrooms, kale, chard, abragi, etc. she makes but this cartoon should help to keep some of the " studies " she see's in check or add humor when I question her sources.
Hey Ch5501!
If you are convinced that the supplement is truly responsible for lowering your PSA either alone or combined with conventional meds PSA is not the most important marker for you at this time.
If your doctor is also surprised it may be time to take the conversation with him or her farther. Ask if having a mp 3.0T MRI would be something to be considered to find out what is happening with your cancer. Don't rely on PSA alone. Keep a conventional doctor with the skills you need as well.
Saw this post by someone on web - My naturopathic doc recommended this to help me heal the carcinoma/active tumor in my breast. It's en easy process to make and I make enough for a few days. You drink some daily for 2 weeks, then take a break. The taste is ... um... earthy... but not more or less than any other herb I'm taking! I mix it into my green drink or Ulitma powder vitamin mix. Done. Not sure of results yet as I've just started. I've declined chemo/radiation and going herbal/homeopathic/keto/no sugar/low carb and I've already shrunk the tumor by half the size in 6 months! Dedicated to Fagonia Cretica to help speed the process. Thanks! Hope this helps.
Greetings Ch5501.
Please tell us your bio. Age? Location? When diagnosed? Treatment(s)? Treatment center(s)? Scores Psa/Gleason? Medications? Doctor's name(s)?
All info is voluntary, but it helps us help you and helps us too. When you respond, copy and paste it in your home page for your use and for other members’ reference.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 03/14/2021 9:53 PM DST