My husband has stage 4 PC (see bio) and is currently undergoing triple therapy and has completed 3 rounds of docetaxel. We are currently waiting for a PSA test, which should happen in the next week, but he is still experiencing some occasional hip pain and continues to urinate often. Does this mean the treatment isn’t working or am I just being paranoid? Our MO is more concerned about scans than numbers but has ordered a PSA test.
Is Treatment Working?: My husband has... - Advanced Prostate...
Is Treatment Working?

Have a look at my profile for some good results from triple therapy. As if this morning PSA is <0.01. I’m on a mostly vegan diet, no meat, some fish, lots of vegetables and fruit. I exercise at least 5 times a week which includes working with a trainer twice a week, hockey, walking, resistance bands, weights and also treadmill. I hang out with my family and also my new granddaughter of 3 months. It has helped to have a great support system including everyone here.
Just wondering if you still experience pain or frequent urination?
hi iber ….
Just from my experience and IMHO …. as the triple therapy becomes more effective over time , his tumors should shrink and go to sleep. This making him much more comfortable. If specific areas continue to be painful, spot radiation can help that as well. For generalized discomforts / pains , a light opiate such as Vicodin 5 mg should comfort him a lot and can be adjust easily.
It should be possible to make him very comfortable in the remaining years.
For frequent urination. Frequent urination is a SE that many of us here experience, myself particularly. It’s often a side effect of ADT treatments and higher BG caused by the meds. I “ go “ as often as several times an hour most of the time. There are plenty of adaptations one can make to manage frequent urination. It’s a small price to pay / inconvenience to have your tumors asleep extending your life . Well worth it imho.
Make sure hubby is on the palliative care registry, and has a Dr that specializes in palliative care. Palliative care doctors are especially skilled at making hubby comfy and upbeat. I recommend using them to your full advantage. Using all the resources, hubby ….and yourself ( palliative care treats family as well ) should be well prepared to enjoy the remaining years he has left in QOL life pursuits with you and the family.
I’m not a doctor and don’t even play one on TV , make sure to run everything by your medical care team for optimal outcomes.
Thank you.
Scans are more important. Pain and urinary frequency may increase at first due to inflammation from the chemo.
Hi Iber,
My dad just completed round six of Docetaxel and I too was concerned with his ongoing femur pain, which actually seemed to get worse when we started chemo. His last scan showed his bone Mets are shrinking some and are not lighting up as much. So the femur pain was just from the lesion already there, or nerve pain, but his scan is not worse. I’ve learned over the past five years that aches, pains, and PSA numbers are not always telling us what is going on.
PSA will tell you if treatment is working. One reading is not enough. You must develop a history of PSA readings to see the trend. I test PSA quarterly. Scans are costly, thus infrequent. PSA tests are an inexpensive way to determine treatment effectiveness. Scans help to show where and how many tumors. By reviewing the history of scans you can determine if treatment is working.
I try to reduce urination at night by taking acetaminophen, also by reduced drinking in the evening. Very frequent urination might mean a lot of things, like PC tumor pressure on bladder, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, etc.
I have successfully treated metastasis pain using heat and lycopenes. See my bio.