Care Oncologic Clinic: Has anyone heard... - Advanced Prostate...

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Care Oncologic Clinic

lewicki profile image
16 Replies

Has anyone heard of COC Care oncology Clinic?

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lewicki profile image
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16 Replies
16starsky profile image

Yes its a private Clinic that offers off label drugs for Cancer patients. You can go to the canceroncologyclinicuk website to find out more.

bud_manning profile image

Care oncology, based in U K. In the U S located in Cali. Oncologist seen virtual. They prescribe a variety of off-label drugs, metformin, mebendazole, doxycycline, and more that have proven be effective when combined with S O C treatments. They cite a lot of research and explain their protocol.

Most of my information about off-label drugs has come from my own research. One main source has been Jane McLelland's book How To Starve Cancer. Jane did her own research and cured her stage 4 terminal cancer after doctors gave up. Using off-label drugs. Her methodology was different from C O C. Her protocol objective is to block the metabolic pathways cancer cell use to draw energy, starving them.

I have been researching this for 6 months. I have stage 4 PCa. Sept. 2020 S O C treatments failed. My oncologist is willing to monitor and prescribe the O-L drugs and help me identify the right chemo and rad. With God's help I will be cancer free in 6 months

Herman_PSA_OK profile image
Herman_PSA_OK in reply tobud_manning

Greetings Everyone!

Yes, I'm familiar with both the COC Protocol and Jane's McLelland's book and give you my bias opinion for what it's worth, your time and maybe save you some money. Like most of you trying to do your research for your advanced stage prostate cancer situation, you try to have an open mind, read the data and perhaps find/meet something and/or individuals that have FIRST HAND personal experience and are willing to share their advanced PCa journey. So, here we go.

I'm in my 6th month of the COC Protocol and the first thought or comment/feedback that comes to my mind at this point in time is, "don't waste your money & time" because it may not deliver swat or enough to warrant the resources since it is not covered by insurance. They told me it takes at least 1 month and then maybe 3 months of taking the four meds to "start to notice/see any changes." Yeah right? My PSA got much worse and doubling time shorter while on the COC Protocol. Not a good sign and I will most likely end my use of the drugs except use up the Metformin.

I loss 10-lbs. while on the COC Protocol and I attribute it to the Metformin. You can use Berberine and do the same thing without a script. I was plant-based anyway and my A1C was perfect to begin with with a total cholesterol range of 89 to 118. So, the only positive thing I can say is I lost all my belly fat and dropped to my lowest total cholesterol of 89 in two months. My wife wants me to regain some weight back and I hope to do so by increasing my muscle and remain as strong as I can strong.

Bottom line, I've read around and you would be hard press to find ANYONE on the internet forums with enough positive or supporting details with a COC Protocol success story other than the hype on the companies' web site. Do I sound dissatisfied to you?

Of course, if you are trying to sell something like this and you have case studies on mice, you can skillfully craft the narrative people want to hear. Each type of cancer is different and you can't use the same cookie cutter approach. Most individuals I have converse with in private are often dubious about if the COC Protocol is working/worked for them even after more than one year of payments of the quarterly $300 (new rate) renewal plus the few hundred dollars in drug cost and delivery. Wow! You dish out say $700 quarterly and you can't give a PCa bio-marker(s) to shoot for or progression to look forward to? Not a good sign and telling of what might be waiting for you as well.

I had such hopes myself and like you "I did my research" and then pulled the trigger with my hard earned money only to be let down bigtime with the COC Protocol. I'm a bottom line guy with no time to waste and I expected a measurable PCa bio-marker improvement that I can hang my hat on and feel I did not waste my money and time with blind faith essentially. I'll tell you at the end why I tried the COC Protocol.

So, I did lose weight, disrupted my sleep pattern, got occasional muscle pain, upset stomach once at the beginning and no improvement at all for my advanced PCa. Sounds like something you want to try for yourself? Let me know how you do!

PS - The only benefit I derived from Jane's book was learning about Shark Liver Oil raising your WBC quite fast. Yep, it worked for me. Now, that's learning, applying and getting results from her research. Her book is worth the investment of your money more than the COC Protocol unless you are looking to lose some weight. Hands-down, I can vouch that it can do that. PCa? I don't see it at all for advanced PCa.

Side note, "My oncologist is willing to monitor and prescribe the O-L drugs and help me identify the right chemo and rad. With God's help I will be cancer free in 6 months." What caught my eyes was your last sentence of with God's help I will be cancer free in 6-months.

Being a Christian myself I believe God often puts people in your path at the time and place you need them if you pray about it. Is this one of those times for you and I. Cancer free in 6-months? What is possible is to extend your life and possibly with a higher quality of life to honor His name in faith.

Doing the chemo and/or with rad while on the COC Protocol is some serious heavy duty stress on your body. I would really pray about that before setting your compass on that route.

Now, what you said made me do a double-take. It just so happens that a friend of mine a few months ago did exactly all those medical treatments and procedures you just mentioned. It was fresh in my mind because my friend is no longer alive and I miss him and our deep discussions. It was he who mentioned the COC Protocol to me and I decided to try it. I know what I have to do now for myself.

Thank you and Bless You!

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply toHerman_PSA_OK

Thanks for keeping my wallet fatter.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply toHerman_PSA_OK

Hello Herman,

You have been a member here since June 10, 2019 and it appears that today was your first post. And Golly Gee it was a great one.... Thank you for warning us about the

charlatans out there taking advantage of the suffering public.

The only thing I find an issue with in your post is that once you have the big C you never become free of it... "In remission" but not free. (I M U O)..... God Bless and post here more often.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 03/03/2021 6:52 PM EST

Herman_PSA_OK profile image
Herman_PSA_OK in reply toj-o-h-n

Greetings Everyone! Actually, I have been reading and lurching longer for quite some time. I usually read post and learn from what people say and are doing about their advanced PCa. Some things I agree with and will continue to research as much as I can. If warranted, I usually ask for one on one private email followed by the phone conversation if the person is interested. If they are too busy or are not comfortable me asking them questions, I move on.

I have formed some good friendships so far that can relate to our medical situation and journey. Like I said, God puts the people in my path at the right time and place. That also goes both ways.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply toHerman_PSA_OK

Well Herman, Thanks again..... Whichever way you help one of us is a grateful and welomed gesture on your part. Peace be with you....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 03/06/2021 7:24 PM EST

Herman_PSA_OK profile image
Herman_PSA_OK in reply toj-o-h-n

And peace with you J-o-h-n!

A few passages from Chris Wark’s book, Beat Cancer Daily, Day 173.

Obstacles Have A Purpose.

“Obstacles come into your life for one of two reasons; to be overcome or to divert you onto a new path. Obstacles are meant to challenge you, to push you, to test you, maybe to force you to lighten your load. The more difficult they are, the stronger and wiser you will be when you finally overcome them. Small obstacles are necessary; they prepare you for the bigger one.”

“Some obstacles, however, cannot be overcome. They are too big. Impassible or impossible. Thus, they force you to take a new path, a ‘road less traveled.’ And you may find in hindsight, as I have, that the obstacle that forced you to change direction was a blessing in disguise because you were going the wrong way.”

In like manner, I Herm have hit forks in the road like many of you on the Health Unlocked forum, I’m sure. My advanced PCa diverted me onto a new path a few years ago and forced me to change my lifestyle and who I was. “This is why so many cancer survivors call cancer a blessing or gift. You can sit defeated at the bottom of an obstacle, wallowing in self-pity, or you can decide to figure out a way over or around it."

Obstacles have a purpose!

Be Blessed, Be Healthy, Pray About it!


j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply toHerman_PSA_OK

Humor is my way around obtacles....Once when I was getting radiation and fooling around as usual, a fellow customer (patient) said to me "you're the happiest guy I ever saw who's got cancer". I replied "being sad doesn't help me, so I rather be happy".... so I say to you "Be Blessed, Be Healthy, Be Happy, Pray About it!

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 03/06/2021 10:28 PM EST

Herman_PSA_OK profile image
Herman_PSA_OK in reply toj-o-h-n

Nice touch to my thought process! I'll adopt that. Thanks 😍

Herman_PSA_OK profile image
Herman_PSA_OK in reply toj-o-h-n

Humm? Did I accidently say that or imply of being free of cancer? I know there is no magic bullet cure, like you said, a remission putting the cancer in a dormant state the longer the better to maintain a higher QOL. I stand corrected.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply toHerman_PSA_OK

Just think of Cancer like an ex-wife.... you may not see her but she'll aways be around and will outlive you..........Oiiie Vey.......

Stay strong.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 03/06/2021 10:16 PM EST

bud_manning profile image
bud_manning in reply toHerman_PSA_OK

I think you are right on COC. I did first phone interview with them today. I can do all they are doing through my oncologist. He has agreed to prescribe the off-label drugs, and Medicare is covering. Jane's book is definitely not pleasure reading, but her theory of starving cancer by blocking the metabolic pathways it uses to draw energy sounds viable. since no one has given me any other ideas, think I will do it. Everything I have read says PCa, where I am, will kill me within 2 years. So I don't care how off-label or off the wall, If it has a negative impact on the cancer, I am hitting it with. And, yes, I believe God is not done with me, and He will get me through what ever I face.

spw1 profile image

I have been researching it as a potential for my husband. From what I read on various sites, it is not as useful for PCa as for breast cancer perhaps. Taking an antibiotic for several days is part of the protocol and unless there is clear cost-benefit analysis possible, it is difficult to justify messing around with the gut microbiome. We are minded not to try it after having got to the stage of one free talk with a case manager at Care.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply tospw1

Thanks. I have come to the same conclusion.

Herman_PSA_OK profile image
Herman_PSA_OK in reply tospw1

Cost-benefit? I took a closer look today and discovered new prices across the board compared to what I previously stated above. They have increased all of their fees recently for the initial consultation of $925.00 with doctor Zoom meeting designated oncologist. I paid $800 for mine and I felt it was excessive considering how little I got out of it. That expense did not include the drug cost, for me another few more hundred dollars since I got all four as suggested as my "medical plan."

Note! I don't have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or high A1c diabetes so the drugs were questionable for me. Ok! Starve cancer via metabolic pathway. Well, I had to scaled back and stop the Metformin since my blood pressure dumped and I had to eat salt and sweets to recover a few times. I also loss 10-lbs. while on the COC protocol. Total cholesterol went below 90 from approx.110 which is vegan territory. How many of you are that low? You can do the same thing with over the counter Berberine with no script, no meats, dairy, organic veggies everyday, juicing, exercise.

What gets me in hindsight, I did most of the talking and know more about my PCa health and progression compared the doctor. It felt like talking to a phycologist for the first time. He was taking notes like a case study role I guess. The COC Protocol is a lucrative high volume business for them. My Zoom appt. was after 8:00 pm and I sense he was tired from his heavy load. They are growing in leaps and bounds and experiencing growing pains. Supply and demand at work and you are just a number.

The follow up required doctor meetings are now $330.00 every three months. It just went up. Heck, I felt the follow up meeting was no where as detailed as the first meeting. Again, I did the talking and asked the questions about my blood lab results. It was like pulling teeth since they don't want to say anything counter your own medical oncologist doctor. It pisses me off as I'm writing this reminding of my disappointment. I wanted to believe in their "evidence-based" science. The only evidence they have is for glioblastoma brain cancer. All cancers are not the same and sure as heck, squat for my PCa.

They don't really mention the mandatory full blood labs every month for your first three months (until you get your first email packet of instructions) AND there after full blood labs before your quarterly meeting with the doctor. So, if you are lucky enough to have your own medical oncologist write you a prescription for all those blood labs and it's covered by insurance or Medicare, you're ok. Otherwise it's out of pocket for you. Sure, I went into this with both eyes opened and was willing to pay FOR RESULTS. No results after 6-months? Then I'm not a happy camper and will let my brothers know about it. Be aware!

Just imagine, you also have to book your next three months appt. with their oncologist BEFORE your current three months period ends so that your oncologist can write the prescription for the following three months and you don't miss your daily intake. Afterwards you pay upfront to their referred compound pharmacy. Thus you are signing up every two months for the following three months worth of the four off label drugs prescription. If you change your mind and wish to exit, good luck getting a refund in the middle of the process.

After six months on the COC Protocol, if I had experienced some measurable results, PCa improvement, PCa bio-marker enhancement or stabilization to my stage-4 PCa, I would gladly continue to spend the money. On the other hand, when things don't work out and your cancer marches onward and feel you been had, it's time to pivot, refocus and find the another road that yields better results.

I just purchased an Omega vertical juicer to add to my collection for less than what I would have to pay for the COC doctor and meds. Off the COC Protocol and reallocating my funds I will have plenty of extra money to other wise spend on organic foods to squeeze in that new juicer which will ABSOLUTLY do more for my PCa and family health. Much better bang for the buck! For me, FIVE THUMBS DOWN for the COC Protocol.


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