FDA just fast-tracked this. Phase IIb... - Advanced Prostate...
FDA just fast-tracked this. Phase IIb is scheduled to be complete in early 2022. Prevents reoccurrence via. immune system T helper cells.
A different link: jitc.bmj.com/content/8/2/e0...
And cut and paste:"Abstract
Background: Peptide-based vaccination is a rational option for immunotherapy of prostate cancer. In this first-in-man phase I/II study, we assessed the safety, tolerability and immunological impact of a synthetic long peptide vaccine targeting Ras homolog gene family member C (RhoC) in patients with prostate cancer. RhoC is a small GTPase overexpressed in advanced solid cancers, metastases and cancer stem cells.
Methods: Twenty-two patients who had previously undergone radical prostatectomy received subcutaneous injections of 0.1 mg of a single RhoC-derived 20mer peptide emulsified in Montanide ISA-51 every 2 weeks for the first six times, then five times every 4 weeks for a total treatment time of 30 weeks. The drug safety and vaccine-specific immune responses were assessed during treatment and thereafter within a 13-month follow-up period. Serum level of prostate-specific antigen was measured up to 26 months postvaccination.
Results: Most patients (18 of 21 evaluable) developed a strong CD4 T cell response against the vaccine, which lasted at least 10 months following the last vaccination. Three promiscuously presented HLA-class II epitopes were identified. Vaccine-specific CD4 T cells were polyfunctional and effector memory T cells that stably expressed PD-1 (CD279) and OX-40 (CD134), but not LAG-3 (CD223). One CD8 T cell response was detected in addition. The vaccine was well tolerated and no treatment-related adverse events of grade ≥3 were observed.
Conclusion: Targeting of RhoC induced a potent and long-lasting T cell immunity in the majority of the patients. The study demonstrates an excellent safety and tolerability profile. Vaccination against RhoC could potentially delay or prevent tumor recurrence and metastasis formation.
Trial registration number: NCT03199872"
This sounds like an amazing result, 80 to 90% of patients achieved durable disease control. Side affects were minimal (mostly site of infusion reactions) all < grade 3. infusions for 30 weeks and years of stable disease without any treatment.No wonder that the FDA are going to fastrack this.
PD-1 is getting approved at 30% disease control for less of a duration.
Hey RSH1!
You know about creatine don't you? I had a phone conversation and exchange of email with someone at Vitamin Shoppe's corporate. They sell a synthetic creatine for this vegan. The entire lines below might need to be copied to access the article.
Creatine powers T cells' fight against cancer -- ScienceDaily
Oct 18, 2019 · The study, conducted in mice and published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, is the first to show that creatine uptake is critical to the anti-tumor activities of CD8 T cells, also known as...
Thanks! Interesting how many workout supplements also turn out to be good for PCa.Goes with one of my bioscience theories that more lean mass equates to PCa fighting on many levels.
Old article: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...

Hey RSH1!
Thanks for the "vintage" article! Anything over 25 years old is antique.
Interesting. I believe in synergy. This "the study proved that 'such and such' was ineffective--blah and blah'". Studies such as that which I describe use large amounts of 'whatever' and get poor negative results. A combination--ah hah! I look at supplements in a similar way to what a balanced diet is. The foods work together not only supplying certain nutrients but also aiding in their absorption and effectiveness. A chemistry lab in the digestive system.
I've been fighting Pca since 2010 and and have had nearly had all the treatments that are possible to have, and I might hope to live long enough for "immune system T helper cell" modification or booster action to become available therapy. The medical jargon use to describe what is to be fast tracked by FDA is a huge leap forward in the use of Jargonese language, and medi-boffins must be proud they have succeeded in making sure almost nobody can understand what is being seriously muttered about this new Pca treatment.
But it does seem something good is being fast tracked by FDA, and we can only hope......
Meanwhile, I have to consider Ra223 for my bone mets, because docs at Theranostics Australia say I can't have any more Lu177 because of what they see, and do not see in last PsMa G68 scan in last Nov.
I need to stay calm, and not panic just because there's one rat in the attic; I only have to worry when I get 50 rats up there, and they run out of old books to eat and move down to eat my clothes in the wardrobe, and then I might need to have a T-cell spray to painlessly get them to unlive, and let me live......
Meanwhile, its another cool early summer day, and its very nice to be alive, and I'm busy emailing friends and doing stuff on laptop to embellish my website with yet more crafting info.
Have you all put your orders in to Santa for X-mas? he's sub-contracted delivery to many ppl using guys on bicycles who leave "happy parcels" at front door, because he ain't got enough rain dears, and Work & Safety Dept has banned chimney deliveries.
Do at least try to have a good weekend,
Patrick Turner.
Best of luck to you Patrick. I certainly hope that this or some other therapy is put out soon and helps you live a long, healthy life. We all need hope. I thought this article shows that things are being worked on.
Poor St. Nick. Nobody even thinks about how covid affects him.

But Old Saint Nicolas is a saint, right, and saints don't get sick because they can do healing miracles, OK, but they cannot buy enuff rain dear feed at low prices to keep rain dears fit and ready to fly on magic with extra propulsion of rain dear farts by eating so much food just before Xmax.
How could anyone ever think about a saint getting sick who gives the freebies over Xmas?
But just as well the C19 crisis is nowhere near as bad as the Black Death Plagues in 1345, where about 40% of all Europe and many other places just died. But for the 60% who survived, they soon got over losing nearly 1/2 their family because they inherited all the possessions if there were any. Just how ppl recovered after the Middle Ages and the bug attacks on ppl is a good read. Some countries did amazingly well, while other such as Egypt did not.
Patrick Turner.