Greetings Guys, I am 62 yrs old and I live in Chambersburg, PA. My PSA was 24 in March; 31 in April. A bio in May revealed adenocarcinoma in 11/12; gleason of 4+3.
My URO referred me to Dr Behari Ashish a distinguished URO LAP surgeon here locally at Wellspan. They wanted to do RP. I requested time to get a second op.
I contacted Dr. Misop Han @ John Hopkins. JH did a slide review. They upgraded one core to 4+5. Dr Han said to me, "Surgery will not fix your problem. You need to see an RO".
In July I visited CTCA In Philadelphia. I met with Dr. Francis Schanne a surgeon. Nothing new. I also met with Dr. Curt Heese an RO. Good news! RT can do everything that surgery can do with reduced risk of side effects. Bad news! Daily treatments for six weeks. Philly is 4 hrs from home.
Next I visited Dr Whoon Kil a local RO. Sure, he can provide RT, but first you need to go on HB. Three months of HB before RT and then stay on HB for two years. Back to my URO for HB. I've been on Firmagon now for two months. I go for my third injection today.
It's not a bad life on Firmagon. I mean, No libido, Hot flashes about once per hour, but they only last 5 min at the most. Plans are to fry my prostate next month, .... but now I have been introduced to Dr Robert Leibowitz's THB protocol.
I refused RP because I needed a more broad spectrum treatment. Now I am wondering if RT is adequate. If I am going to be on HB for the next two years should I be doing THB? Is THB effective? Should I do TBH instead of RT?
CT in June.. no evidence of cancer. Bone Scan in July... no evidence of cancer. MRI in Sept... no report yet. Isn't that strange to make a guy wait two months for an MRI report? Most recent labs show T <3 and psa 2.37. Hopefully that is good news, but it's not <1.0 psa.
In retrospect, If I would have had RP, I'm certain that I would have been referred to an RO for RT who would have prescribed HB. What level of treatment do I need to kick this thing? I'm more concerned about the side effects than the treatments. Do I need to jump through all three hoops... cut it out, burn it out, then starve it out?
I know this is a forum for advanced cases and you guys probably think I'm a chicken. I'm new at this and am trying my best to make informed decisions. Who knows better than those who have been there??