Dx December 2016, Gleason 8, PSA 7, extra capsulary extension. Age 52
PSA 9 pre RP on February 17, 2017 at Sloan. Pathology, Positive margin, negative lymph nodes and seminal vessels. PSA post RP 7. Waited 6weeks to get with MO.
Was told it was beyond the curable stage and that I should just start on hormone and hope it gets me a few years. Very impersonal it seemed like everyone gets treated the based on PSA levels regardless of age. We wanted to be more aggressive and wanted to do RT as well as hormone but they said that is not how they treat my stage.(3)
The following day went to see Dr. William Oh at Mt Sinai immediately like the personal attention we received from his nurse and NP. Dr. Oh. Discussed all the options including RT considering my age he thought it would be beneficial to try and get as much the PCA and felt I could handle the side effects. My wife is a Oncology Nurse with over 30 years of experience including clinical trials for 2 world renowned MDs. It was obvious to the both of us that we were now in the right place.
He order a axiom pet scan which came back with 1 small “flare up” on it otherwise everything was clear. Started Lupron May 31, 2017, with 1 month of Casodex. I was referred Dr. Richard Stock for RT. (Excellent RO, both him and his team of RT technicians). Started 39 treatments of RT on July 5.