My brother just started with Dr. Beltran at Dana-Farber. To say she was wonderful is an understatement. She was easily approachable, extremely knowledgeable and gave us a lot of time to discuss future treatments. Getting 10 rounds of Docetaxel is a good option at this point. However, we are also looking into the ARV-110 trials being conducted at Yale. Dr Beltran has been in contact with them and someone from Yale is calling my brother tomorrow. He also has an appointment with doctor Morgentaler tomorrow to discuss BAT. Tall Allen felt that the Checkmate 650 trial was too toxic and his doctor agreed. My question is in regards to ARV-110. Does anyone have any experience with this trial? Is anyone on the forum entering into this phase1/2 trial? My brother has an AR mutation that has been associated with a response although the initial trial was small.
Exploring options: BAT, Docetaxel (a... - Advanced Prostate...
Exploring options: BAT, Docetaxel (again) ARV 110

ARV-110 sounds ideal for him.
Hi Faith1111,
I know you are already exploring this -- but here is an article giving it high praise... It seems to try and wreck the A/R where they don't work at all as this noval approach with ARV-110 does -- Then maybe the cancer can not become CRPC -- and instead die off all together .. Its not just another ADT this may be a real advancement .
Good luck.
We really hope so George. I would love nothing better than to report back with great news for everyone. We will keep you posted. Thank you for the link
Thank you for that link George. I have been researching quite a bit but that link is exceptional for making it easy to understand
Hi Faith,
read the following article when you get a minute -- Tell Bob -- get some with his immuno treatment
Keep the Faith.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 10/08/2020 10:27 PM DST
BEWARE of Dana Farber.
BEST REPUTATION FOR COLLECTING DONATIONS. (Possibly aiding children as well)
As for Pc help, good luck !!!!!
I was switched between 3 Drs(?) and a Disastrous, hateful "Social Worker". Don't bother asking questions; they give no answers or assistance.
I was even "assigned" to a Dr(?) who rattled off my condition from scans (any guesses how much these cost me?). When I asked to see scan and have her explain issues, I turned her computer screen to see with her, only to find SHE NEVER EVEN TURNED HER COMPUTER SYSTEM "ON" for our session on my "condition".
Anyone know a GOOD Attorney ??? I AM IN NEED OF GREAT LEGAL COUNSEL of a TEAM !!!!!!!
Unfortunately, the saying goes "a few bad apples spoil the barrel"... Best you can do is report their actions to the chief administrator for venting but no resolution. They protect their own. Attorneys will tell you not enough to start litigation. What I would do is insist on all your records and hunt for a new medical facility to work with. Ask here if anyone can recommend one in your location. Sorry, it’s the fucking system...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 10/10/2020 12:20 PM DST