My oncologist told me that there is a shortage of 3 month lupron but I could take the 6 month injection. Are there any problems switching?
Lupron Shortage: My oncologist told me... - Advanced Prostate...
Lupron Shortage

For what it is worth, my oncologist advised me not to go with the 6-month shot. He was not sure how effective it would still be once you get near the 5-6 month time period.
There are 1-month and 4-month shots as well.
I have never heard nor seen any evidence that the 6 month injection is less effective. The shorter doses allow the doc to charge for an extra office visit.
We see Dr. Bryce at Mayo, he told us the exact same thing...
We have the same situation in San Diego...Lupron shots for 1,3, and 4 month are no longer available. Only Eligard (generic of Lupron) available in those doses. I was told Lupron manufacturer is out of business?
There was a problem in a manufacturing plant a few months ago. Latest US FDA Drug Shortage status is here:
I've had both Lupron and Eligard. I prefer Eligard 3 month, it works just as well and is available. I would recommend just getting Eligard 3 month.
Having my first eligard injection next month...will be for 3 months same as lupron.
My husband was on the 6 month shot went in Sept for the second one was told a not available had to get the 3 month. What the heck is going on. Some have the 6 that we were told is is short supply because of Covid.
The 6 month for us was very effective psa # dropped from 400 to 9.6
Switch to eligard, same stuff, different name.
Eligard has big advantage. Since it’s subcutaneous into fat you don’t get the bad pain in the but that follows the inter muscular lupron injection
That's been my experience too.
Take the 6mo shot, I got no pain and as a benefit it lasted 1year before Testis turned back on. lol
I had a three month injection, apparently Eligard, on September 9th. I got impression from this forum that it is from Canada, equivalent to Lupron. Nurse injected into stomach fat but did not inject at angle properly. I noticed urinary bleeding for 12 hours, which makes me think she may have injected into left uterer. (Injection should be with pinched fat and at an angle to skin, not perpendicular. ) Not sure yet but will see how PSA goes. Took PSA test this morning, will know better in a few days. Still have pea sized lump and red spot at injection site. No noticeable side effects, but I think it is working. Doc (MO) didn't tell me it was Eligard, not Lupron, I'm guessing that. Nurse said it had to be in belly (first time for me there) and seemed like the first time she did it. San Francisco Bay Area, Previous injection in June was Lupron (with daily Xtandi) and it lowered my PSA from 35 to .3 over two months. Hoping to go lower with this morning's test.. Not sure but I think Xtandi is the key. Previously I used Lupron/bicalutimide in 2012, 2014, and 2016, and my T never got below 200, while with Lupron/Xtandi my T went down to 3. I also take alternative therapies. So, all considered, I would conclude that 3 month Eligard/Xtandi is a good way to go.
I was doing the 6 month shots, but the last one didn’t the 5th month, my testosterone began to rise and I ended up with firmagon for two months and then went on the 3 month.
Turns out that the 6 month shot is not reliable for some of us. If you do it, just monitor your testosterone levels more than usual
I've had 6 month eligard shot for over 2 years. Along with abiraterone it appears to be working well.
I was switched to the 3 month Eligard on 9/8/20. First time the nurse used Eligard and have a small lump in my arm that is very slowly going away. Next one I will be asking to put in stomach.
Same drug - different name - time between injections is in months, but there is no evidence to suggest the effectiveness is diminished by the duration of the shot.
The reason ? a supply shortage that has been mentioned for months on this forum .....
My MO at City of Hope also told me that there is a shortage of Lupron. Although I have not reached the point of having to do any ADT post SRT, they are treating their ADT patients with Erleada instead.
I have been receiving 3 month injections of Eligard for three years in the butt with no pain. Sometimes there is a small lump at the injection site. T has been consistently undetectable.
I always recommend 30 day injections and will explain later.
Same deal. Just switched to 3 month Eligard in early September. Opted for the butt instead of stomach. No problem there. In fact, less pain than with Lupron.
I've had 6 month Lupron shots for 3 and a half years. So far so good. Have no clue if shorter frequency is better or not. Hip is sore for a few days after injection (just a minor annoyance). Belly fat shots are way better than intramuscular shots. Jack Daniels shots are even better.
The reason for the Lupron shortage is because the Chinese are busy making face masks......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 10/07/2020 7:16 PM DST
Impossible!!!..Lupron column A....Mask column B....and with family dinner you get both plus egg roll
LOL and jello or a slice of canned pineapple....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 10/07/2020 8:07 PM DST
I'm going in tomorrow morning so I guess I will also need to make the switch from 1 month Lupron injections. Do they have 1 month Eligard doses?
I warned my husband he may have to get an Eligard instead of Lupron last time he went in. I sent him the .pdf showing that Eligard can be injected in other places other than the stomach and told him the he could ask for a different injection place. He didn't. He let them inject in his stomach. He figured it wouldn't hurt worse than his butt. And the the first day it didn't but he soon realized that he had had longer lasting aggravation from the depot in his stomach. I hope he's learned from this experience to actually READ what I send him and that there is a reason why I do all this research. But his choice; his experience.
They had a 1 month shot for me today. The FDA site listed far above shows availability in the near future for a few different doses.