Can A Person Take a Break From Lupron? - Advanced Prostate...

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Can A Person Take a Break From Lupron?

Olivia007 profile image
14 Replies

My dad is on Lupron and Xgeva. He hates the shots and I don't why he has to receive them along with Xtandi and numerous horrible side effects. Why do doctors make you get the shots every month?

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Olivia007 profile image
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14 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

He shouldn't be getting shots every month. Lupron can be given in 6-month shots, which is especially a good idea now during the pandemic. The side effects of Xtandi are usually worse than Lupron. If your father is castration-resistant, he should not take a break.

Olivia007 profile image
Olivia007 in reply to Tall_Allen

Thank you, dad is getting xgeva monthly and lupron every 3 months he is castration resistant but he was on xtandi for 3 months but he has had almost paralyzing and falling down effects from it so we r stopping the pill to see if it’s any better! I understand he needs the xgeva monthly for the bones since he has bone Mets but the lupron alone hasn’t kept his PSA down so why do they make patients still get injections along with chemo or zytiga it xtandi?

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Olivia007

Yes, Lupron is keeping his PSA down - it would be MUCH higher without it.

Olivia007 profile image

at 82 and frail can barely move don't think so, thank you

in reply to Olivia007

I’m sorry about your father Olivia . This APC diminishes even a young . man .. 82 ? Is a different story . He is probably tired of it all? Try to lift his spirits anyway possible and spoil him .. any way that you can . My dad passed 23 yrs ago . He had pc but died from a heart issue . I saw him diminish . It hurt to see him . Love you dad ,hat all he needs . ❤️🙏

Olivia007 profile image
Olivia007 in reply to

Thank u, it does hurt he was such a big strong man and now he’s so weak I feel like I’m the parent and his my baby.

in reply to Olivia007

Well , thank God ! for you sweetheart . Roles reverse for the “ good “ child . This is true love . It never dies ! My father has been gone for decades but not one day passes that I don’t still think about and love him . Our fathers are permanently imbedded in our dna and psyche . I too was very strong and felt that I went from 53 to 83 overnight with treatments . If dad is really so weak I understand the frustration with adt and treatments . Hang in there with him . He’s blessed to have you .❤️❤️❤️🌵

Olivia007 profile image
Olivia007 in reply to

Thank u I wish I can wave a magic wand for everyone and get rid of this cancer 😊

in reply to Olivia007

Me too ! I stay in constant payer. The main thing is that you stay healthy and happy always . 🙏

Olivia007 profile image
Olivia007 in reply to

Me too I pray a lot to I’m not catholic but there is a catholic saint that helps those with cancer St. Peregrine has helped my dad so I just like to praise and spread his name.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Olivia007 should be Olivia001 cause you're number 1 in my book....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 07/31/2020 5:14 PM DST

Olivia007 profile image
Olivia007 in reply to j-o-h-n

Lol I will be ur number 1

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Olivia007

Yep both me and your Dad....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 07/31/2020 6:32 PM DST

in reply to Olivia007

Nor am I catholic . But I am

Christian ... Peregrine ? Fascinating. He whispered “Jesus” in their ears and they were healed . I also like St Francis patron to the animals .. Thank you 🙏

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