Hi, all -- Zytiga stopped working for me, and we decided to try it with food. The research shows good results for about 30% of patients. We consulted with Dr. Anderson at Duke, one of the researchers, and he suggested something low-fat (that is, not bacon). It seems that low-fat yogurt is common. But now, there's research showing that an 825 cal. meal is better (medicalnewstoday.com/articl.... Curious about what others are doing! Thanks so much.
Anyone eating breakfast with Zytiga? - Advanced Prostate...
Anyone eating breakfast with Zytiga?

I was on a drug trial with zytiga. When the trial started I was instructed to to take the zytiga on an empty stomach. After 2 years my PSA Froze at 7. I was then instructed to take the zytiga with food. My PSA started to fall again.
For what it's worth.
Did you take a full dose of 4 pills or reduce the number of pills with the food?
I took the full dose at breakfast .
Effectively increasing the dose...
We’re the trial results ever published?
My husband had the same response as Magnus1964. When PSA started rising on Zytiga, he took it with food and got a longer response. He wasn't too picky about the fat/calories/type of food, he just ate his normal array of breakfast choices.
You may get more out of Zytiga by switching from prednisone to dexamethasone.
Taking the same dose with food risks excess toxicity. Taking with food was a way to save costs, not to overcome resistance. They found that dose could be lowered to 250 mg with a high-fat meal, or 500 mg with a low fat meal.
I agree about the excess toxicity. I discussed this with my doctor.
Taking it with food is effectively increasing the dose, but the reason why Zytiga fails is because the cancer becomes resistant, not because the dose is inadequate.
Thanks, Tall Allen. I did switch to Dexamethasone. Good point on the dosage — definitely seems like the wave of the future (certainly more affordable)
I brought the main article to my MO and he said ok to doing 250mg with food but afterward I read more and found something that noted an increase in SE's for the lower dose (at least as I read it) and decided to stick with full dose. I stopped looking for more info at that time but I suspected more would come of it. This was about 9 months ago and he had not heard about it at the time.
I've been taking Zytiga with breakfast of eggs on toast, followed by natural yoghurt, for over a year now, maybe 18 months, the P.S.A. is down to 0.09 on the last count, when I started Zytiga it was rising again, having begun at 150 it declined then rose again over a period of time.
I take 500 mg and hope to reduce to 250 mg as an experiment to see if I can get along with okay with that. Absorption is the key factor here, but 250 mg might not cut the mustard, so to speak.
I hope that it works out well for you, but don't lower your dose until your oncologist gives you the heads up.
Been a year on Zytiga. PSA droping.
Doc changed to 1 pill 250 with low fat 300 cal diet. Now PSA is <0.00.
Have to excercise to try to keep muscle.
Otherwise GREAT!

Wow, that is fantastic. Thanks, Photog!

Hi there. Saw your post from 11 months ago. Wondered if you're still doing the Zytiga as 250mg with 300 calories for breakfast. If so, how's it working for you? And what do you judge to be "low fat"? (I'm starting Zytiga tomorrow) Thanks.
I fast from from 9pm to 12:30pm til the next day and have the Abiraterone(4) with yogurt. I then break fast 30 mins later with lean protein, plant based, and whole grains
Fight on Brothers
Hey Dude, would you be kind enough to give us your bio info: AGE, LOCATION, SCORES PSA/GLEASON, TREATMENTS TO DATE, TREATMENT CENTER(S), DOCTOR'S NAME(S)?
Thank you!!! All info is voluntary but it helps us help you and helps us too.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 07/29/2020 6:58 PM DST
Oh, sure — will also put it in my profile. 61, DC. Diagnosed three years ago, Gleason 9, surgery at NIH followed by 4.7 PSA, then radiation/cyberknife at Georgetown. Almost 18 months on ADT and Zytiga before PSA started creeping up. Now at 5. Just hoping to stretch it a bit with food while we figure out next steps.
Thank you for your quick and detailed response. At 58 you were diagnosed as a young dude.... but we are glad you're fighting those tiny bastards. Keep fighting and keep posting here, lots of help and knowledge here. (Try to laugh)....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 07/30/2020 1:23 PM DST
Thank you, John -- the only silver lining of this cancer is that people call me "young"! I definitely intend to fight like hell, just like the folks I see on this forum. I appreciate the support, and the laugh!
Over five years ago I was sitting in the Oro valley hospital icu. AN 80 year old pastor Came in to talk .to me.. He asked” Youre so young, why are you here? “ I was 53.. he said his average age patient in this hospital close to several fine retirement communities is an 80 year old lady . Whoo hoo. Early to the party. But, we’ve seen many young men in their forties now. That’s a shock .😷💪
Started with a full 1,000 mg with prednisone; PSA < 0.01. Later looking at research, we dropped the dose to 250mg with 300 calorie breakfast. Glucose level shot up to ~150 so cut prednisone in half and PSA<0.01 and glucose dropped to averaging 100. Life much better but still must excercise to maintain muscle. At 85 that's the toughest as I'd rather lie down until the urge to excercise passes!😉