I thought you might like to see this article on another way to treat prostate cancer. I understand most of us have already had treatment, but good to know I think. Ralph Moss, PhD will be a speaker at the next Annie Appleseed Project conference. Feb 27-29, 2020 in West Palm Beach. thetownsendletter.com/4334-...
Dr. Ralph Moss dealt with prostate ca... - Advanced Prostate...
Dr. Ralph Moss dealt with prostate cancer differently

Patients are advised to understand the real issues about ablation:
I've yet to hear of an ablation doctor who seriously discussed those issues with his patients. Many just give a sales pitch.
Ralph Moss was not the first to have cryo. It was offered to me in 2003 by Dr. Fred Lee when I had a color doppler ultrasound by him. He said he'd freeze my prostate so hard I'd never get an erection again.
I don't know why you said Ralph Moss dealt with it differently. He simply chose cryo from the list of available treatments.
While I found the poor treatment he received from some to be of interest, I expected to be reading something about a person with Metastatic PC. Isn’t that what this site is for?
I chose High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) full gland ablation. It is very precise, very focused and the surgeon knows where he is ablating from real-time feedback. I'm not impressed at all with cryoablation and would never choose it -- it is a blunt instrument in my opinion.
The good thing is, we get to make some decisions that resonate for ourselves.
As long as patients aren't duped by partial info.
Tall_Allen, my feelings about what we learn, is that it is almost always partial information. I often felt over the 26 years since my original (breast) cancer diagnosis, that the docs told me what I needed to know immediately AFTER my own body told me.
It is always partial info, which is why it is doubly important to understand the info that is available. One's body is an unreliable narrator for almost all cancers, until side effects become apparent - an effect that occurs when it is too late to cure. That's why we have to rely on medical science rather than intuitions and sales pitches.
I enjoyed reading this article. Thanks for posting and I hope the author of the article continues to heal!
Gathers rolling stones...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
J-o-h-n Friday 08/30/2019 3:41 PM DST - Pinnes