Should I avoid sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, salmon and avocado?
Are foods with Vitamin E bad for PC? - Advanced Prostate...
Are foods with Vitamin E bad for PC?

There is most often in medicin a "U-shaped response curve" where very low or very high blood levels of a nutrient are harmful but more moderate levels are beneficial. The SELECT study showed that very high level vitamin E was associated with increased PC. It is not possible to get "very high level vitamin E" from food. Note that "very low level vitamin E" is not good either. Everything in moderation is, as always, the preferred approach .
Just avoid the E pills.
No need to avoid vitamin E in food.
Gamma tocopherol is the most common of the 8 isomers found in the U.S. diet, but alpha tocopherol is the most common found in blood. This has led researchers to assume that the body prefers alpha toc. rather than the body preferentially using-up the gamma. The isomers compete for transport, which means that an alpha toc. supplement will drive down uptake of the other 7.
PCa lab studies show that gamma toc. - not alpha toc - has anti-PCa properties. Which may explain why alpha toc. intervention studies have shown poor results. Not only is it the wrong intervention, but it actually drives down gamma toc.
I only use Delta Gold tocotrienols from annatto. The delta has been shown to be good for the heart, & lab studies show that gamma tocotrienol is even more powerful than gamma tocopherol against PCa. I wouldn't use a tocopherol supplement, but I certainly would not avoid foods that contain particular isomers.
They all look like good foods to me. I am a pescatarian. I don't see any harm in the list you presented.
do you eat dairy food (milk, cheese, butter)?

I eat a little cheese, no milk (almond milk), no butter (Earth Balance).
Hell No! These all all great foods. Don’t supplement E with pc .🤙🏽
Hey Nal ! Which foods are LoadedAlpha Tocophetol ?
All at once.... I would.....
So now tell us about yourself: AGE, LOCATION, PROSTATE CANCER STAGE IV, SCORES PSA/GLEASON, TREATMENTS TO DATE, TREATMENT CENTER, DOCTOR'S NAME(S)? All information is voluntary but it helps us help you and helps us too. Thank you!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 05/20/20202 10:21 PM DST
Will share more after my 2nd MRI and possible biopsy.
OK thanks..... Hint: If you're going to have a needle biopsy... tell the urologist you want to be OUT..... even if he has to hit you on the head with a hammer..... Most urologist don't like to perform it under anesthesia because they have to do it in a hospital setting and not the office.... Again insist on KNOCK OUT.... but it's still up to you. If I had to do it all over again I would insist upon it...... Take a survey here about knock out. Take the survey under a new post (not today 05/20 or 05/21)...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 05/21/2020 11:47 AM DST