I’m considering integrating holistic medicine with my standard therapy basically to get the best of both worlds anyone have any experience with this?
Anyone use a holistic doctor in conju... - Advanced Prostate...
Anyone use a holistic doctor in conjunction with their standard therapy?
Sounds promising thanks stay well
Thanks that’s the plan !
Yes, I’ve done the holistic along with conventional med for over five years .. I follow Dr Michael Uzick of genesis medicine in Tucson Az. The big change for me was dropping all sugar and processed foods. Good luck 🍀
Thanks guys really thought I get more of a response
My MO's office has a Naturopath on-site. She was great to work with, especially during chemo.
We work with a naturopath that only deals with cancer care, Marsden Center in Toronto
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Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 05/14/2020 6:47 PM DST
I have worked with two Naturopathic Oncologist's since shortly after my RP. They have helped to dial in my supplement protocol (including what not to take) and diet. Additionally, they're more familiar with CTC testing as an adjunct to standard Biomarkers. I highly recommend you get an NO on your team.