Statement of the obvious for those of us who have experienced it first hand. I fail to understand why the MOs don't make it mandatory.
Androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) remains the cornerstone of treatment for advanced prostate cancer. In this study, the authors examined 229 men who underwent ADT and were without bone metastases or other factors precluding exercise. Patients underwent supervised exercise training twice weekly with body composition monitoring. In all, 19% of the patients had clinically significant fatigue. Fat mass was substantially higher in fatigued patients. Patients in the lowest quartile regarding reported vitality had the highest fat mass. Increase in lean mass was associated with increased vitality and decreased fatigue.
While this study may include selection bias, the results demonstrate the importance of physical fitness, both increased lean mass and decreased fat mass, in the setting of ADT. Physicians placing men on ADT may wish to counsel their patients on physical-fitness programs to promote overall well-being."