I have been on Lupron for 6 months now with eSRT. I had my last shot the beginning of April. I noticed recently that I no longer need deodorant. I am just curious if any of you had the same experience? When and if your testosterone came back to prior castrate levels did you still not this issue? I am guessing yes, but just curious if this occurred. In addition if and when you testosterone levels came back after a short ADT run approximately how long did it take and did it come back to your previous levels?
ADT and body odor or the lack there of. - Advanced Prostate...
ADT and body odor or the lack there of.

Its early for me to provide you my own experience as Its only 3 months si nce I stopped ADT.
From what I have read, testosterone recovery varies in different men.
Most men (more than 85%) gain T back after a short course of ADT .
Some men get 90 to 100% recovery and a very small number of older men may remain castrated for many many years ,even for rest of life. Majority of men get 70 to90 % back.
As for timing of T recovery, studies give a general range of 6 months to 24 months. A 2019 study of Japanese men found median time to full T recovery as 15 months after stopping ADT.
If one is generally healthy, youngerand had T levels high (>500) before ADT, it takes less time to get T back.
I have experienced this. It can be a temporary effect of ADT drugs.
I put my deodorant on the shelf, also lost underarm hair. I also used to grow a full beard in the winter (I work outdoors). All I got was about 1/4” growth the two winters I tried while on ADT.
Not having a base line of my T going into this but based on my body language, I would guess I was mid normal range 5-600+/-. One year after my last 3mo injection, I just came out of castration with T at 103. 6 months later (March 2020) I was at 300. Many side effects started to ease once castration subsided.
JimHoy...would you mind describing what side effects have gone and which one are still lingering ?
Sent a list by PM that I try to update occasionally. Not too organized but.... and too lengthy to post here but I’ve tried to add items as I noticed or they were pointed out to me!! Mostly all andropause symptoms (e.g. no libido, mood swings, hot flashes, fatigue, insomnia.......) are virtually gone. I took a hard hit between the ears which is unrelenting, in fact, worsening!! @64yo I feel it’s too early to just accept this as a new norm so been searching everywhere I can to find suggestions!!! PcP tried some meds but made things worse. Going to start trying alternative meds next month.
I sure wish I could loose some body hair...lol. I sure like not having to worry about deodorant!
Apparently lack of pheromones hasn't dissuaded my wife...lol...just wish I had more interest.
I went through surgery , 6 months of Lupron , and 8 weeks of radiation, and although my testosterone levels are normal again , I still have no body-odor.. and it has been 7 years ....
I've been on ADT for 4 months and definitely noticed I have no BO. Additionally, I can go with out washing my hair for 2-3 days and don't wake up with Bed Head. I bet I don't even get "Stink Foot" anymore. Here Fido🙉
Same here. Four months into Lipton, and even after a sweaty gym session, I smell like a nun's purse, i.e. nothing. There have to be some upsides.
If you had asked yourself before becoming a club member whether giving up on some body hair, some special odor, some definitely girly body changes, would be worth some pain and confusion, what would you say?
These changes are NOT "natural" and don't feel anything like natural.
It's just your new, very 😕 confused person shining through.
We have two types of sweat glands eccrine and apocrine. The apocrine are responsive to hormonal stimulus. They are in the armpits and the groin. Take away the testosterone you take away the hormonal stimulus. With that away, the body odor diminishes.
ADT is turning me back into an eleven year old boy and Chemo is turning me into an old man. Talk about confusion.
Six months I was strong and fit, now I can hardly walk around the block. No hair and no desire, it makes my wife happy as I no longer hassle her for sex. She lost her libido years ago, so now, we happily play scrabble and laugh at life. Go figure.
I still follow my personal hygiene routines and still get complimented on my aftershave. You may not think you have a body odour issue, but maybe you do. I use to think that when I was 14, so I recommend maintaining, if not exceeding, your personal hygiene standards. Phew! Cheers DD 😎
Ditto your experience. Although body hair is now far less than pre ADT, my facial and head hair are thicker and curly now. Go figure. And, yes, no arm pit hair any longer and no BO. My last injection was in May 2019; 3 mo duration. I'm still feeling some of the ADT side effects. Ugh.
Good luck to you.
Body stops producing musk along with testosterone -- along with bringing PSA down, the other positive benefit of ADT.
Me too – since ADT, no body odor and quit using deodorant. And lost all hair under the arms and chest. Less hair on arms and legs. But still have a full beard that I have to trim and, I think, the same pubic hair as pre ADT. I’m ok with all of that.
My BO basically went away during 'active treatment', which involved ADT.
I'm on an ADT holiday (withdrawal time = time on treatment as a basic rule of thumb) which started in October of 2018. My last Lupron shot (3 month cycles) was in July of that year.
I hate to admit it, but I could go days / weeks basically, odour free.
I should point out that I live in a colder climate, so that needs to be mentioned, BUT this seems to happen to most of us.
The good news - you start to stink again (at least I did) - eventually - assuming you didn't do ADT for more than a few consecutive years
2 years plus of consecutive treatment MIGHT make the state of odour ) or lack, thereof, a permanent condition.
If you are on ADT for an undetermined period of time ( prescribed as ongoing, without pause) you can save a lot on deodorant, because you won't need it like you used to, unless an underlying condition dictates otherwise.
Today, I stink again - roughly 1 1/2 years in withdrawal - about the same amount of time I was on treatment.
That reminds me - we're gong out tonight and I need to shower, prior to .....
I wear a cologne called "Avoid Me".....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 05/01/2020 5:20 PM DST