I have a question about the range comparison between alk phos non specific to alk phos bone specific
I know we have issues with bone mets, and also I'm trying to figure out the comparison to liver ALP1 since liver affecting meds are involved. Anything to educate me would help.
The range of bone specific our prostate onc does is bone specific 7.6-14.9 mcg/L
If I remember the regular alk phos range goes to about the 120s before considered high.
Hepatic ALP1 range is 20-136.. my husband's jumped to 410 in 7 months from 146.
I know his bone specific is moving up.. I'm trying to calculate the ratio between bone specific 105.5 when the high is 14.9
and 500 alk phos when that high is 128 or so. While looking at hepatic our of range 410 when that range is 20-136.
Before we see his doc I want to think about this. He's been on pain meds because of oral surgery, antibiotics, tylenol, advil, not much oxy 1/2 2ml.. twice a day.
We've had not much choice and I know already the tylenol advil situation, though he is now a 15 year survivor diagnosed stage 4, gleason 8, with mets in a number of places in his body, not in organs, and hasn't been on ADT lately, though we are ready to begin again. We know the risks we've taken. My question is more about the ratio comparisons.
He also has extensive osteoarthritis. I'm not dismissing his condition, though we've maneuvered through so much these years and have been extremely cautious evaluating risk reward. We continue to keep his quality of life as our important key.
He's never done chemo and has done spot radiation 2 times. The intermittent ADT has actually helped in his case.
mainly between the bone specific and non specific alk phos. Thanks very much.. I appreciate this group.