need advice---what is best men's incontinence product for immediately following cath removal until some control is regained? we are in US
men's incontinence product?? - Advanced Prostate...
men's incontinence product??

Besides 100 kegels a day, Depends Guards
Cheap on and
(Finally a question I can help with!)
Like they say, Kegels, but for really heavy incontinence diapers, rather than guards, are needed; lighter incontinence, guards. Best of luck to you in your recovery (is this post RP? if it is, patience is a virtue)
Tena Men, they come in everything from heavy pants for the first few days to light guards that you do not even notice for when you are down to a drip or two.
I'm always skeptical of changing in public restrooms. The best way to deal with the incontinence is to get the depends pull ups and the guards. Put the pullup and a guard together meaning both on at same time... through the day as you are trying to do everyday activity you are able to use bathroom and periodically change only the guard out and insert another into the pullup.. this has worked for me and my situation and eliviates taking of shoes and pants to change out pullup.
They are called men's diapers.
I purchased Sam's brand. Took me about 3 months.
Do your kegel exercise.
It gets better.
Afex underware allows you to urinate into a rubber cup connected to a hose to a bag you can empty.
Sewing... It's all above. I used depends before catheter which was my constant companion for 9 weeks in all( 8 weeks before RALP and one after procedure). Was I delighted to be rid of all that. YES. I had incontinence underwear, cotton, to wear under slacks. Kegel exercises help, and for me I was continent a month after surgery. Hang in and be patient. Best wishes on your journey, we're all different. Arlis