So it looks like we will be traveling overseas for Lu 177 treatments. My husband's psa is now up to 101 and his scans show progression in the bones, still nothing in lungs or liver. At this time we have not found PSMA pet scans near us in Michigan so plan to do the scan in Germany prior to Lu177. We have been in contact with TUM in Munich. We did just see a few places in London are also beginning to offer Lu177 does anyone have experience with the London clinics?
Lu 177 overseas: So it looks like we... - Advanced Prostate...
Lu 177 overseas

Are you prepared to return for multiple Lu-177 infusions ? The "Vision" trial in the States uses 6 doses given 6 weeks apart.. One dose may not give you the results you are looking for..
Hi, I am using The London Clinic for LU177 Treatment, I did try the Vision Trial but got put into the control group and so opted to pay for treatment.
I did look at Germany but as many are involved with the Vision Trial and I was seen as being on the trial it did not work out. And of course going to London is easier and less travel just being an hour away.
The London Clinic has been very good.
My PSA has gone from 1585 before treatment to 961 after 2 treatments. Still some way to go but looks positive. Also waiting on a PET scan but might have this after treatment 3 which is due 17 December.
Hope this helps.
Thanks so much. We sent out an email to them today. Hope we hear from them soon!
What about Marsden Uk and Homberg germany in saarbruecken near the french border? If you go with family this is a beautiful place to spend a week or brother will do his treatment there, he lives in the netherlands, luckily he can get the PSMA tests done there. He is waitnv for an extra test called FDG PEt scan, he expressed enough PSMA but they want to do this extra test..does anybody know about this test and why he should do this?
Wishing you well ..
Any concerns or information about the dry mouth" fine if it doesnt work, but if one ends up with dr mouth and no improvements????
I have not suffered with dry mouth after 2 treatments, so fingers crossed. No other side effects that I know of either.
It appears that Germany and Australia are the places to go for PSMA.
I understand that the prices in Australia are particularly reasonable.
I am going to Australia for Lu-PSMA treatment. You can search GenesisCare / Theranostics Australia. Very good and knowledgeable doctors. Around half the price as in Europe. And they do not require hospitalization, just a few days of self-monitored isolation in your hotel before flying home.
I would think the OZ is a better bet............
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 12/04/2019 6:34 PM EST