docetaxel side effects: Hello - just... - Advanced Prostate...

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docetaxel side effects

ken12491 profile image
62 Replies

Hello - just finished my 3rd infusion of docetaxel and it's starting to take a hit on me, more then the first two - has anyone experienced:

Flu-like symptoms

Face flushing and heating up - just the face

Sinus headache, and a slight nose bleed

MO has my PSA down to 0.43 from what he claims from 300 ( I never saw the labs, what I saw was 35) think he might have me confused with someone else - he was never able to find that lab report.

Could 0.43 or thereabouts be my new nadir?

Despite feeling lousy I manage to get at 1700 - 2000 calories in me a day, exercise, go out and gaining some weight.

He's a great MO, I like him and I'll follow what he says, but I'm hurting but who isn't isn't.


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ken12491 profile image
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62 Replies
Hex40 profile image

The effects of chemo are cumulative. My 6th session was the worst. I felt bad for 2 or 3 weeks after that one. Overall I lost some hair and all my nails darkened and I also became very fatigued. Nausea always occurred several day’s after each session. I was also hospitalized for a very low white blood cell count and fever. After that I received neulasta shots that brought on joint pain. I tried to exercise but fatigue made it difficult. Unfortunately I had limited success after all that.

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to Hex40

thanks hex

Fairwind profile image

Dose can get rough .. My MO switched me to Cabazitaxel (Jevtana) and that worked better with fewer side-effects.. Dose made my feet go numb, toe-nails fall out..I forget the name for that but it can cripple you if your not careful.. With your low PSA I would be asking about Provenge or R-223, newer treatments that are not so hard on you and perhaps work better.. Has ADT including Zytiga / Xtandi stopped working for you ?

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to Fairwind

thanks - on xtanti too. mo says he's treating me in a curative fashion - odd for him to say that but i do what im told since you have to place your trust in someone - i have with him.

paige20180 profile image
paige20180 in reply to ken12491

I’m happy you trust your MO. But I think you should confirm your PSA if you feel he may have you confused with someone else. If he was confused, maybe he would give you treatments or omit treatments as well. It would be wonderful for you to see with your own eyes, your PSA go from 300 to .43! I’d love you to have know for sure. Happy holidays.❤️

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to paige20180

Thanks Paige... i ll do that...

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to Fairwind

I just wonder is he trying to get me to a non-detectable PSA? Is that what MOs are trying to accomplish in all cases. Can I ask, what was your PSA when you switched over and did the new meds get you to a non-detectable PSA?

I am far away far shy esp with this Dr because he is so approachable - I will ask, esp if there is an alternative as you suggested.

Xtandiuser profile image
Xtandiuser in reply to ken12491

The lowest I am told it will go and called undetectable is .064! I’ve been on Xtandi since January after chemo(which failed) last year! Best Wishes!

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to Xtandiuser

huh, - at 0.43 now - thanks a lot - guess i got room to go. do you recall the source for that .064. on xtanti too.

Xtandiuser profile image
Xtandiuser in reply to ken12491

My oncologist at West Cancer Clinic in Memphis, TN. SORRY, I hope this didn’t upset you! You are heading in the right direction! 👍

Hex40 profile image

As with Fairwind the balls of my feet have some numbness (neuropathy). I suspect some of my nails will eventually fall off. Slight numbness to fingertips. It’s tough stuff. And after all that my MO thought I tolerated it well.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Hex40

Hey Hex40 just for nuttin..... have doc prescribe Neurontin/Gabapentin for your neuropathy.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 12/01/2019 7:49 PM EST

Victorq1 profile image
Victorq1 in reply to j-o-h-n

Hi J-O-H-N

and ALL

Victorq1 here.

I after a long haul flight (14 hours)

and Neuropathy and leg swelling

was prescribed Gabapentin

and almost fell down the stairs.


Being a chemist I researched alternatives

and found one (very old remedy , actually)

namely CAPSICIN Ointment.

( hot red pepper extract)

Worked wonders

and is available over the counter

in Canada and Europe.

I read its even used in PC treatments.

Cheers and good luck!

Zetabow profile image

Each time it's gets a little tougher taking a little longer to bounce back after each round, it felt like I was coming down with Flu each time, probably the best description of symptoms, I also got a little numbness in fingers and toes but everything back to normal now. Drink plenty before and after and walk daily before it really hits you, I drank a lot of water and herbal teas and it helped a lot.

Got my PSA from 1386 to 0.028, been steady since June, keeping my fingers crossed.

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to Zetabow

thanks - wow it worked for you...

tom67inMA profile image

Yes, the general trend is each cycle gets rougher. Keep at the exercise, as hard as you can. I ran hard in the early cycles, but by the end of chemo I couldn't keep up with my wife on a walk. It paid off in helping keep neuropathy away and speeding recovery after the last cycle.

I've also read that exercise helps increase the circulation, which helps carry the docetaxel deep into the tumors making it more effective.

It will get worse before it gets better, but if it works for you it can get a lot better when you're done. Docetaxel is not for wimps.

in reply to tom67inMA

When I was diagnosed and facing all these difficult treatments, having my bone drilled into (my doctor said: "Well, it's not pleasant"), plus constant needle sticks, tests, etc. I really felt like a wimp. I wondered if I could make it through. Turns out, I was a lot tougher than I gave myself credit for. I think we do rise to the challenge to a certain degree.

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to tom67inMA

thanks tom - u r right, not for wimps...

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to tom67inMA

Oops sorry, ignore this post, I thought you said pimps.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 12/01/2019 7:53 PM EST

JamesAtlanta profile image

Yes, each session is a bit worse. As everyone here says, keep exercising. It helps with fatigue. I found that my flu-like symptoms started a couple of days after the infusion ... and generally ended 5 or so days later. I’d speak to your MO about your symptoms.

A lot of people are mentioning finger nails, toes, neuropathy, etc. If you have these issues, make sure you wear surgical gloves during the infusion and keep your finger tips in ice. I never had any issues with fingernail discoloration or falling off by doing this. I do have some ongoing numbness in the balls of my feet. Some here used frozen gel pads on the toe nails and balls of the feet to combat neuropathy. I wish I had known to do this.

Good luck on your journey! We are all pulling for you!

Happy holidays!


ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to JamesAtlanta

thanks james...

Buddy1950 profile image
Buddy1950 in reply to JamesAtlanta

Allen not given a choice. It was ordered at the same time as the first infusion of docetaxel. Insurance rejected the patch so he has to go in for an injection a day after every infusion.

Buddy1950 profile image

Just the first dose a week ago and neulasta last Mon. ... suddenly a few streak appears going up from infusion injection site and moving up. Spent 3 hours in the ER, but they decided it was just irritation from docetaxel. Almost funny, they did a white blood count and panicked that I had blood cancer until they consulted with someone that said was what neulasta looked like. Seems like they had to find chemo experts to consult with as they really were not sure what side effects should look like. Wonderful Dr. from Nigeria that wouldn't let me go until she was sure nothing bad was happening. Hard to wonder what is normal for side effects and what to worry about. Sounds like the next 5 infusions and neulasta will be even more exciting :( Really love the pain so far :(

6357axbz profile image
6357axbz in reply to Buddy1950

When is neulasta given along with Docetaxel?

Buddy1950 profile image
Buddy1950 in reply to 6357axbz

He was to get it the next day after but it was a weekend and they said wait until Monday rather than going to the ER with sick people. Insurance rejected the neulasta patch. Next time it will be on a Thur and Fri to avoid a weekend.

6357axbz profile image
6357axbz in reply to Buddy1950

I see I stated my question ambiguously. What I meant to ask was what is the reason for administering neulasta in addition to Docetaxel? Does every Docetaxel patient take neulasta or only patients with additional complications?

Hex40 profile image
Hex40 in reply to 6357axbz

Neulasta is administered the day after chemo to bolster the white blood cell production to avoid neutropenia or infections in general. I was actually hospitalized for neutropenia.

6357axbz profile image
6357axbz in reply to Hex40

Yes but is neulasta used on every case of Docetaxel or only if there are extenuating circumstances? Are you saying everyone receiving Docetaxel also has to receive neulasta?

Hex40 profile image
Hex40 in reply to 6357axbz

Probably no it isn’t required. Probably depends on how you respond and the results of subsequent blood tests. I wasn’t feeling well after the second chemo so I went to chemo immediate care offered at my hospital. They did a blood test and my white blood cell count crashed and I was running a fever. So I was hospitalized for 2 days and fed antibiotics. After that it was neulasta for me.

6357axbz profile image
6357axbz in reply to Hex40


tallguy2 profile image
tallguy2 in reply to Hex40

Exactly. I believe that EVERY man doing chemo should be provided the neulasta device each time. Yes, it costs way more than the actual chemo but it prevented me (and I bet many other men) from going in the hospital with low blood cell counts. Heck, I even went on a trip to Europe between #5 and #6 with no ill effects thanks to neulasta!

Alvin735 profile image
Alvin735 in reply to Buddy1950

as far as your streaks from the injection site ... when doing the chemo, try not to move your hand/arm. That is the chemo leaking out from the injection site from moving. Been there, done that and finally, on 4th infusion, was finally told not to move! Also use Claritan the day before and a couple of days after the neulasta - helps with bone pain.

Buddy1950 profile image
Buddy1950 in reply to Alvin735

Sorry I didn't see this, but thank you... no one has suggested a reason at the clinic, so this is most certainly something to try. #4 is certainly miserable, this time they couldn't use a vein because of destruction from first 3 , so used one in hand which was hard with ice. Big difference when hands got ice. Thank you. They claim to have never seen this happen before.

In general, mine got worse after the first cycle up to the third then leveled off. For me, some of the side effects were cumulative while others weren't. Everything you've described is typical. For most people, they all go away after you stop so it's worth it. I say that now, but there were definitely times that I wondered about that. I also noticed the period after the first week was getting better after each cycle and my pain went to undetectable after about three cycles. The most important thing is if it's working. Hang in there, you'll make it. We are with you.

Do report your side effects to your MO. Side effects are graded and need to be evaluated. In some cases they may lead to dose reduction.

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to

thanks gregg

Hex40 profile image

As bad as the side effects are we would all probably do it again if it is successful. In my case I wasn’t so fortunate.

Victorq1 profile image
Victorq1 in reply to Hex40

Sorry to hear that,

But keep the "battle"

Every day there is a new "option"

We are there with you !

Hex40 profile image
Hex40 in reply to Victorq1

Next is roughly 20 rounds of radiation then a clinical trial. I’m kinda running out of options.

Maleko808 profile image

My 3rd session proved to be the worst. About 4 days after drip I'd get flu like symptons, loss of appetite, hair gone, but never nausea. And the Neulasta gave me aches I hadn't felt before. But it only lasted a couple day then I would bounce back. Hang in there.

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to Maleko808

thanks - me too on that 3rd session... but i move ahead, eat, can t taste it -- exercise but get really beat...

RatTruck profile image
RatTruck in reply to ken12491

Ken, my husband just got his first Docetaxel last Wednesday. He's is so fatigued, doesn't want to eat or drink much. Since it metastasized to his bones and has tumors, what kind of exercise are you doing may I ask. I'm hoping he pulls out of this soon. Just got him to drink a bottle of Ensure Plus. It made me happy. Thank you Ken12491!

bellyhappy58 profile image
bellyhappy58 in reply to RatTruck

Any form of walking , stretching and if possible gym too ( listen to the body) .Don’t like him to be a couch potato or keep lying in bed. Some of of exercise truly help. I do even Cycling and rowing in the gym . I do also some weight bearing exercises too. Pls do make sure he drinks a lot of fluids . I have also multi mets in spine and femur too. I even have a 25% compression fracture on between T 12 and T 13. My very best. God bless

Victorq1 profile image
Victorq1 in reply to bellyhappy58

Good reply!

Hang in there.

and good luck

and exercise!

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to RatTruck

hello - i force my self to walk about 30 min a day, 4 min on the rowing machine and free weights, very difficult but i can't just sit around. this infusion, the 3rd one seem to hit me the hardest. thank god i have supportive wife, sounds like u are one too..

bellyhappy58 profile image

Just did my 6 th infusion. The side effects that you are having are typical. It varies from every individual. My tough days usually comes on the 4th or 5 th days after infusion. Fatigue, body ache, bloated and lost of taste. After the first week, most of it goes away. Drink a lot of fluids , eat moderately, and do a lot of exercises and always listen to your body . I strongly recommend exercises when u really helps me to get back to normal quicker. My best to you. God bless

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to bellyhappy58

great advice - will follow...

I experienced extreme fatigue, face flushing, and occasional nose bleed, fluid retention with a weight gain of 10+ lbs that went down 10 lbs. 3 weeks after my 6th treatment.

tallguy2 profile image

It sounds like you are responding well to the chemotherapy. I didn’t have all of your symptoms. I had the fatigue especially the third and fourth days after each infusion.

You should be taking over the counter meds to prevent the bone pain associated with the Neulasta device. I took a generic allergy med and naproxen. It worked for me. Kept me out of the hospital too.

That you are eating well and exercising is outstanding! Keep that up, please.

Best wishes and hang in there!

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to tallguy2

TY tallguy2. I will.

beatPC profile image

Thanks for sharing. I have my first infusion in a few days so this helps tremendously.

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to beatPC

Good luck bc - we re all pulling for you.

alanKC profile image

I just finished 10 cycles of docetaxel. Also doing Pembro under a trial (which continues). My symptoms were similar, always called it a hangover from day 2-5, then by day 7 on the upswing. Agree with doing the exercise whenever you can. I managed to run to all my chemo sessions, but got slower, and shortened the distance over time. Good to have friends, so you are committed, and gives you something to prepare for :) i.e go to the treadmill. Good for me physically and emotionally. I gained weight, no loss of appetite, and more laying around. No problem with neuropathy, but used ice on feet and hands during treatment. Overall a big drag, but worth it if it keeps the damn cancer at bay.

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to alanKC

thanks alan.

beatPC profile image
beatPC in reply to alanKC

Absolotely! Thanks very much.

kidclutch profile image

my dad’s oncologist reduced the dose by 25% for the last two cycles (3rd and 4th), and i guess we are in the minority but he has drastically improved here in the second half of docetaxel.

G0lfer profile image

Hang in there Ken, I completed 10 rounds of chemo finishing my last on October 22. The effects are cumulative and for the most part there are minor changes. Fatigue continues, I lost one toenail, by the 3rd cycle of treatment I joined the ranks of a shaved head. Food tasted horrible for 16 after each treatment, my tastebuds returned at end of each 21 day cycle. I recommend keeping a journal of changes and your daily feelings. Soon you will realize the effects are about same, only the duration of those effects last a few days longer. My lowest hemoglobin result was 8.0. About 10-12 days I recovered. Best wishes!

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to G0lfer

Thanks - good luck to you as well --- 10 rounds, that sounds harder than going 10 with Ali..

scarlino profile image

It has been recommended to take Claritin (or its generic form) for 7 days after the Neulasta injection to limit pain in bones.

j-o-h-n profile image

"MO has my PSA down to 0.43 from what he claims from 300 ( I never saw the labs, what I saw was 35) think he might have me confused with someone else - he was never able to find that lab report."

Maybe he should look in the back seat of his new 2020 GLS450 Mercedes.....under his stock portfolio statement....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 12/01/2019 7:46 PM EST

Victorq1 profile image

Victorq1 here.

Ken your example is encouraging.

Keep on living and smile,

if possible !

My urologist wants me to start chemotherapy with Doxytaxel

after my PSA reached 32.

I have been on on ADT intermittent and permanent for almost

9 years after Dx 12 years ago. and I am still here.

I have no pain and no symptoms.

I am travelling, so before starting chemo,

I am deciding to return to Canada for testing:

Bone scan, CT and PET-SCAN, if available

Only than I will agree to chemo.

Any comments from your experiences?

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to Victorq1

Hello - my 3rd infusion was the hardest, flu like symptoms but I'll get by - good luck.

3rd Infusion has knocked me a bit. Flu like symptoms and slight red face if get up during the night. Never before have I wet the Bed, but a new experience a couple of weeks go. Bladder valve self opening. Happened a 2nd time a few days after so laid a cover beneath and not again until last night and my "pad" didn't absorb it all. I get the shivers sometimes and get Carpal Tunnel usually around 4pm (don't ask me why). Foot Cremp in bed on occasions. Temp test yesterday 36.7. I'm on docetaxl and take the drug Prednisolone twice daily. Not clear from threads what others take? Not seen any mention of Prednisolone. Not a great exerciser but have jobs need doing and so when a little warmer. PSA dropped from hundreds to single figure. Read about the Gent who suffered Pneaumonia on another thread. Very sad.

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