Hello, we saw a RO today and based on the 2nd opinion here in AZ, and his interpretation of his PSMA scan; my husband decided to start Radiation via TomoTherapy. Have any of you experienced this; IMRT (targeted ) using CT and targeted to just tumors! Our understanding is that he would have better outcome and could possibly end all ADT, which would be contrary to MO SOC, any thoughts would be welcomed
Tomotherapy side effects?: Hello, we... - Advanced Prostate...
Tomotherapy side effects?

Playing whack-a-mole with metastases is no substitute for systemic therapy.
Hi TA , I thought you mentioned a while ago that he should have his lymph nodes radiated? This guy has decades of experience and specializes in mostly brachytherapy; but felt this way would potentially offer him a cure and he is a master of his craft😊
pelvic lymph nodes are different from distant metastases. If all his metastases are in pelvic lymph nodes, by all means irradiate the entire area with 2 yrs of adt+abiraterone. But if any metastases are outside that area, there is no known advantage to playing whack-a-mole, while Adt is known to delay progression. By all means, zap them if it’s safe but not at the expense of systemic therapy.
Thank you TA; It’s crazy but when he read the PSMA he did not see distant Mets, There was a spot outside the bladder area that he thinks was a diviurticulum ; not a involved node; hopefully this works but he is being realistic and will continue his SOC/ ADT and Zytiga for now but this treatment has given us more hope anyway
You wrote in your profile: "Pet scans regularly don’t show lymph node Mets anymore or hip joint mets. " I'm sorry to tell you that once you're metastatic, you're always metastatic. The medicine may have shrunk those bone metastases, but there are thousands of cancer cells in tissue reservoirs that are too small to show up on a scan.
Thank you TA, I think we need to understand better what I wrote in his profile! Sorry for my confusion on what’s there or not on his scans
My husband had spot radiation to his T4 spinous process for a met that was there before but hadn't been bright on scans in a couple years. But he did not stop his systemic treatments. On follow up scan last March the T4 spot showed significantly less activity. Follow up scans this March- so we'll see how it's doing. The MO abd RO were comfortable doing the radiation because of it's location- hard bone and not near organs.
i have had two eight week sessions of tomotherapy. Side effects were mildly diminished appetite with weight loss. A little feeling like nausea in the AM. A saltine cracker banished this. And . Finally. Fatigue .
Thank you for that, he’s done pretty well handling SE of ADT and Abi/pred
Kind of scary trying to now figure out TomoTherapy/ IMRT/IGRT, may be starting Monday; but RO still hasn’t presented the treatment plan, days, dose etc, we are only here for 36 more days, they mentioned “doubling” up on RT to finish before we head back 🏡 ( he doesn’t use SpaceOar) should we be concerned? Thanks,
i will be there wednesday around 1230-1300 if you all are there and wish to say hello
Love to!! Not sure of any times yet; hopefully starting on Monday13th; we have to travel an hour to get there tho
i had eight weeks in georgia after brachytherapy in 2000 then eight weeks 2018 and 2020 and then 5 days in 2021 with dr grado I consider dr grado the main man in my treatment still as he is the most thorough in His exams when i come in for follow up and he always goes over my scans in detail. I do have a mefical oncologist. Dr Bryce at Mayo Clinic
thank you for the update! We love Dr Grado, he is very thorough, and I like the fact that he reads scans before reading others reports, hoping 28 igrt/ imrt work for him and he does well with few or manageable SE, glad we canconnect
if you want to chat offline, feel free to reach out, I have ?’s , Ty
gmdphd47@gmail.com. 6025023719