Instead of just therapeutically scribbling more of these in one of my journals, I thought that I would share a few haikus:
A spurt or some drips.
Pelvic floor workouts for me
Or use pads for life.
My eyes fill with tears.
Happy and sad amplified
By my ADT.
Yoga to relax.
Exit savasana to
Still walk in this world.
That lump of Lupron.
It will slowly melt away
And let my T rise.
Read more about...
Chocolate chip ice cream.
Sex all but forgotten.
(two scoops).
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 10/29/2019 10:35 PM DST
Reply (5)Report
Side effects I do 5 mg of prednisone 1000 mg of abiraterone and Lupron every 4 months. Prednisone has been very...
Xtandi side effects Hello my dad has been on Xtandi for about 3-4 months yes it brought down his PSA level magically...
Zytiga side effects Dx Jan 2016, PSA 20, Gleason 4+5 , 2 bone mets. Most recent scans 1 Bone met and no visible mets to...
Apalutimide side effects My husband is taking Lupron shot every 3 months. He also started taking Apalutimide for about a...
SRT Side Effects I've just finished 25 of 35 SRT treatment. The first 25 sessions included lymph nodes, while the...
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