I’ve heard that wheat products aren’t good for cancer. Is there anyone that has information related to wheat and cancer?
Wheat and pca: I’ve heard that wheat... - Advanced Prostate...
Wheat and pca

Where did you hear that?
Not like Wheaties cereal. That’s the breakfast of champions. Supposed to be high fiber, good for the heart. Cheerios is from wheat it’s good for the heart.
"Saliva causes cancer, but only if swallowed in small amounts over a long period of time."
George Carlin
Best one I have heard for a long long time
I hope you don't mind me using it, GranPaSmurf
Thank you very much.
When the U.S. FDA mandated the fortification of grains - particularly wheat - with folic acid (as a source of folate), a number of countries followed suit. But many countries did not.
The issue for the FDA was the reduction of neural tube defects in newborns. The issue for Europe & Scandinavia was increased cancer mortality.
The FDA chose babies over old men.
To be fair, male babies who grow up with fortified bread will have less risk of DNA damage due to hypomethylation, & perhaps a lower risk for PCa. But men with PCa might have a greater risk of aggressive disease due to hypermethylation.
I am particularly interested in any clinical article links regarding men and hypermythalation
I don't know of any.
If one were testing a demethylation agent, the men would need to have intact prostates - & before/after biopsies.
There are 555 hits on PubMed for <prostate hypermethylation>. (536 from this century).
& <folate B12>, e.g.:
I am hearing this for the first time...I do not think wheat causes cancer. Its like saying breathing fresh air causes cancer...sensational news to get attention,,. billions of people in the world eat wheat every single day...so all of them should have cancer.....Fake news at its climax .
Only way wheat might cause cancer is if it is contaminated by toxic ,pesticides and hormones. The Frankenstein , monsantized food may cause anything ..
So it is the folate in the fortified bread that causes cancer?
I was taking folic acid 800 mcg daily for 2 years before I got PCa, but was also taking B12 500 mcg due to use of Metformin for DM2, which cause vitamin B12 deficiency.
Then I discovered that my Uncle had PCa but died of a Heart attack due to prolong ADT therapy. But I am also overweight BMI 31 for years. Poor sleep and stressful life? yes I do have them!
Ohh forgot to say I used to eat cream cheese daily and offcourse fried eggs!
I just ate a bowl of whole wheat cereal should I start writing my obituary?? We all have an experation date on us enjoy what you want when you want it we have enough to worry about
Never give up never surrender. Leo
I do not think that wheat causes cancer. But maybe there are more nutritionally rich foods you can eat that will fight cancer better than wheat. Like a bowl full of berries.
I think many folks have wheat sensitivities and do not know it. I just had some family members tested for food sensitivities and they all tested for a sensitivity to wheat and gluten. One of them followed the test guidelines and stopped eating his sensitive foods and noticed that he had a lot less aches and pains. Slowly he is re-introducing some of the foods that he was sensitive too after fasting from them for 2 months.
It is just food for thought. It is really easy to go gluten free these days.. Try it for a month or a couple of weeks and see how you feel.
I notice when I go gluten free that I feel a little peppier but miss the fiber that is in my morning ezekiel bread.
hugs prayers and love!
There are several issues here:
1. Wheat, as such, does not cause cancer. But what we eat as "wheat" has had most of the "germ" and fiber extracted for cattle feed, and all sorts of gunk has been added - especially SUGAR in breakfast cereals.
2. If you live in the USA, you are guaranteed to get your daily dose of weed killer in the GMO grains you eat. You may notice Monsanto are losing court cases to those who can prove it causes cancer, with many more to follow. These GMO's and associated chemicals have a good chance of being the cause of the rapid increase in cancer cases (in dogs too!), and the (as yet) unexplained 70% crash in world insect populations. Something is poisoning the Earth. And us.
3. Folic Acid (as sold to help B12 absorption) has recently been fingered as a cause of cancer. Artificial foliates are not the same as the natural ones. Strange to add this to the bread!
4. A couple of slices of white bread will spike the blood sugar more than eating a spoonful of sugar, and it happens in minutes. Most of the bread is rapidly converted into sugars and that is "cancer heaven" - plenty of food to eat to make babies. A 20-minute sugar spike is all it takes to make a new generation of cancer. THIS is why wheat is on the no-no list. If you get drowsy after eating a bread lunch, you are on your way to Diabetes Type 2 as well.
5. Whole grain bread is not quite as bad, but the real thing is very difficult to find. You need a non-GMO organic wheat farmer so you know the grain is real. It is probably OK if you nibble at a slice and take half an hour to eat it!
The bottom line is that wheat forms the base of most junk foods, and that in turn makes people think they have eaten - but the goodness has gone into cattle and chicken feed so people are actually starving on what is left!Then they eat more of it because they are hungry! Then they get fat. Then they get sick....

This is a great response. I know all this but I cannot give up my organic Sourdough. No way!
Dear Casper 3,
I love this,
I had coeliac condition 17 years before the cancer. No wheat, no oats, no barley and no rye. Fortunately the distillery sorts the problem out with barley 👍🏻.
They say " you are what you eat " so if you see a stick of cancer riddled corn on the cob drinking a whiskey, say hi Phil 😂.
Don't believe everything you read our brother.
Best wishes.
I don't know any facts but my own. I have tried to move to a "healthier" diet since bypass surgery in 2002. If a box, bottle, or can showed that ingredients said wheat or dairy I removed it from our shelves. "Heard" it wasn't "good for me".
Dx in 2018, 16 years later, after a couple months of extreme pain and major weight loss was fully metastasized stage 4 PCa with a 6mo expiration date if I did nothing more than eating"healthy".
So while I still shun wheat and many other "unhealthy" products from my diet I can anecdotally say they didn't "prevent" MY PCa and I can't prove diet will "treat" my it now.
I've increased the number of ingredients I shy away from to include "added sugar", all "meat", chicken, most fish, and a growing list of stuff based on latest reading.
Please don't expect me to give a supportable scientific reason why.
I'm just a gullible gerbil trying to extend my life.
Well, if you're scared for wheat, switch to oats. Aunt Johanna Budwig strongly recommended it three times a day
Wheat / gluten can cause cancer. It caused undiagnosed (thanks VA doctors) celiac disease in my father. That led to cancer of the duodenum and death at age 49. A little off the PCa topic but I had to mention it.
I think wheat is the best thing since sliced bread............
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 10/20/2019 10:30 PM DST
Stick to Ezekiel bread ,.
PC is different from most cancer in that it is fat and cholesterol driven. Pet scan based on that knowledge like choline and auxmin show cancer much sooner that the glucose (sugar) scans used to find most cancers.
Meat not wheat is a diet issue
I suggest reading all you can on wheat (gluten) written by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, including his book, "Why Isn't My Brain Working." He's all over the internet easily found by searching his name, or "Kharrazian on gluten."