After diving into therapies for Chagas(I apparently have it ...waiting for second confirmation test..ugh) I've learned that Benzaimidazole (BNZ) is pretty toxic stuff. about 15- 30 % of subject bail due to side effects.
So then I stumbled across an article about how BNZ may have antitumorgenic effects
.OK I guess thats good....?
then I stumbled across another article about how essence of orange peel skins(limonene) is relatively "low" toxicity and has synergistic effect with BNZ on Chagas parasite.
that's good cus maybe I can take less BNZ and skip the bone marrow suppression, skin rashes and puking part?
Then I learned limonene is a monoterpene that has high ROS generating potential which is also good for killing cancer cells, and may assist in PCA cancer apoptosis
..sounds like a win win?
If I'm not mistaken I think I saw this stuff in a hardware store, works great for mosquito repellent!..cant imagine how you swallow the stuff.
Anybody have any experience with, or opinion on Limonene?