I've been coming across headlines touting ginger as a cancer fighting substance. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
Ginger for Prostate Cancer? - Advanced Prostate...
Ginger for Prostate Cancer?
BIRM also. You can order on Amazon. Made from the root of a South American plant. Just started using it. Along with a glucose free/alkaline diet.
How many preparations/products like this are advertised in the market! They are mostly anecdote- based without sufficient research and scientific proof.
What little info there is available about BIRM, it appears to have the potential to do some good for Pca in particular. For the cost, it's worth trying.
Mine is in shipment. Looking forward to better days.
The Amazon product is NOT the CONCENTRATED BIRM that Dr Cevollos sells for prostate cancer. The other product on Amazon is bought over the counter in Ecuador, and is not for active cancer. This according to Dr Cevollos, the inventor of BIRM. There is definitive research on BIRM available from BIRMproducts.com. The concentrated product has efficacy for all lines of prostate cancer, both androgen responsive and androgen refractory. I have been using BIRM Concentrated for 2 months now, in combination with local hyperthermia treatment (Klinik Marinus, Brannenburg, Germany), Big Horn Botanical Yew Tips, Let’s Get Healthy Again Ellagic Formula, liposomal vitamin C, with occasional colonic hydrotherapy, regular exercise, ozone insuflation, and IV vit C (50g doses). Just finished with 3rd treatment at Klinik, and will get an MRI in 3 months to see effect on 19mm prostate tumor. Also tracking cancer activity with NAGALASE blood test thru Health Diagnostics and Reseach Laboratory in NJ ($100 per test). Nagalase has a very short half life, and responds quickly to adjustments in treatment protocols. Responds to cancer (anywhere) and to infections, so if you can rule out infections, then it is a sensitive and quick cancer marker. Hope this helps!
Patrick & Nalakrats, if you're reading this, the Discussion at the end of this journal article is interesting--not just about the potential of ginger extract, but because it suggests that whole food extracts are the most effective (side comment: just as whole cannabis plant extracts may be), & that it's the combination of the compounds in a diet including plenty of fruits & veggies that has the greatest, most synergistic effects.
There are a number of supplements that are touted as having prostate cancer-fighting abilities. Here's a recent article with a dozen of them: prostate.net/articles/12-na...
Nice article. I bookmarked it.

Me too. And ordered most of them. Cocktail time. 😊
Fresh organic ginger, turmeric,garlic onion,all great I believe..we drink ginger & tumeric tea daily..Refreshing choice if you don't drink sugar drinks..