Received Brachytherapy in May of 2010 at the Chicago Prostate Cancer Center so I just passed the nine year survival mark. Back then, I had no idea that I’d still be around this long. Get a PSA every three months and a Cystoscopy every three months since I had bladder cancer in 2016. My PSA stays right at 0.11 zero point 11. Now if I can just get a good report on the Cystoscopy tomorrow, I will certainly a happy camper however I have to get to a class day after tomorrow to learn about the Chemotherapy that I will be taking in case some of the cancer cells escaped while I had a foot and half of my colon removed just five weeks ago. Guys, PLEASE get a colonoscopy to possibly avoid the procedure like the one I just went through.
Brachytherapy.: Received Brachytherapy... - Advanced Prostate...

Hmm...Just called endoscopy this morning to schedule the consult before my 1st colonoscopy (I'm 70 ) and always relied on the DNA toilet test.
My MSK RO mentioned that there might be a correlation with APC and colon cancer and demanded a colonoscopy!
Did you have indications regarding your CC before your dx?
My dx was one year ago: G9, stage 3 and high PSA was 28.
I have had blood in the stool for over six years. Had a colonoscopy just six years ago and had a few benign polyps removed. Still had blood in the stool so had a flexible sig about a month after the colonoscopy and was told radiation proctitus from the Brachytherapy along with a roid or two. Two months ago, I got tired of blood in the potty so insisted on an up to date colonoscopy and was advised that “I waited too long” to have the colon checked out. Now I have to “look forward” to go through chemo to make certain a few nasty cells didn’t escape to start a new tumor some place else.
Help me understand, “I waited too long” in terms of a Colonoscopy. Usually a Colonoscopy is how one finds cancer in the colon. I have had a Colonoscopy every three years since I was thirty. I am 72 now and due in October.

“Waited too long”. Apparently the Doc operating the colonoscopy felt that I should have had a colonoscopy when I first detected blood in the stool. Heck, I had blood right after the colonoscopy and flex sig six years ago and was informed back then that I had radiation proctitus. Oh well, things are now working well in the bowel movement department and happy to finally see NO blood in the stool.
I miss understood that you have already had part of the Colin removed. Now I understand. BTW, my father died from Colon Cancer at age 58. Probably metastatic as a result of PCa.
Why did your drs let you wait too long . That’s malpractice .
Incredible fight. Best of luck.
Just got home from a trip to the Urologist for my Cystoscopy. The Doc said all looked well in my bladder. Now wants to get me back soon for a Ureteroscopy to look into my kidney and ureter in an effort to determine why Atypical cells show up. I am hopeful that the chemo that I will be taking for Colon Cancer may also while out what is causing the Atypicals to show up.
🙏many prayers .
In gonna blast you Blasterbob.......You are like that conscience angel on my shoulder telling me to get clearance from my Cardiologist so I can get a colonoscopy that was "sort of" recommended by a G.I. physician at Sloan... I was saying put if off... put it off.... Now you got me thinking to have it done.... For guys (not girls) they recommend a colonoscopy every 5 years if you have Pca, 10 years if you don't. Ahhh there goes another week shot without having to see a doctor. Woe is me... maybe I'll have some chocolate chip ice cream (two scoops) to ease my nerves... Oh btw BB, thanks...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 09/24/2019 6:59 PM DST
Well J-o-h-n, not only did I have Prostate cancer but also had a kidney and ureter removed and bladder cancer. The Cystoscopy by my VA Urologist today showed all is still well in my old bladder. Now tomorrow, we go for a consult/learning session on the chemo that I will be receiving, which is 5FU. That stuff is or can be extremely toxic. I’m hoping for the best!
BIF (before i forget) Keep posting.... every 4 years is a long long time....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 09/24/2019 7:01 PM DST
Well Blasterbob, you're close to that 85 year old goal that you wanted to hit... I hope and pray that your Chemo doesn't "blast you" and that you reach a new goal of 95. We need guys like you to show the young whippersnappers how tough people are who were born in the thirties....(sarcoma, skin cancer, bladder cancer, kidney and ureter removed and Pca and of course WWII rationing)...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 09/24/2019 8:44 PM DST