86 year old does not want more Lupron... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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86 year old does not want more Lupron or chemo.

efsculpt profile image
15 Replies

Hi, My French teacher's husband is 86, had radiation to prostate in 2011. He has a catheter in, at present, due to urine retention. PSA was 17 but down to 3 because of 6 months Lupron shot. He refuses to get another one (Nov) or to take chemo due to the side effects. He does have other problems- some congnitive, not sure what else (had pneumonia).

So, he's not up to major side effects. What about AR agonists? Casodex, Xtandi, Erleada? I haven't found much on side effects of these alone, but he would have his testosterone.

Any other low side effects options?



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15 Replies
LearnAll profile image

If he has capacity to make decisions about his health care and treatment...he has every right to refuse any treatment. Without his consent, no doctor can force Lupron on him.

Only a judge can override his decision to refuse treatment if his life is in danger due to lack of treatment.

Discuss with his Oncologist about treatment options which are acceptable to the man.

jmurgia profile image
jmurgia in reply to LearnAll

I've been on Casodex (bicalutamide) monotherapy for 5 months. So far it is working for me ( reduction in mets and PSA). It's the only treatment I've had. Only side effect so far is nipple tenderness.


Tall_Allen profile image

Estrogen patch if he doesn't have clotting problems.

Sxrxrnr1 profile image

Darolutimide if he meets prescribing criteria as side effects are likely less than any others,,, and with a highly effective profile. The newest drug. May qualify for 2 month free trial offered by company that markets.

If Darolutimide cost is an issue(very expensive unless the right insurance or qualified for financial assistance). Casodex is very inexpensive and may very well work well for quite some time. Fatigue just as with Lupron, Xtandi, Erleada can be a debilitating side effect.

TA’s advice is well taken also.

dmt1121 profile image

While I know that my wife and daughters will want to do all they can for me in the end. At some point, I may not want treatment. I think it is easiest for everyone to first be sure the treatment options , acceptable to the patient have been exhausted and then to accept their decision and help them make a loving and peaceful transition.

All the best for his journey in life and death.

LearnAll profile image
LearnAll in reply to dmt1121

If you are in USA...you have full right to refuse treatment or what type of treatment you will allow. You should speak to an attorney to draft "advance directives" document where you write what would you like to be done if you are not able to decide and who will be your surrogate proxy. Your wife or any other loved one

It becomes a confusing mess for doctors , if there are no advance directives.

. Fortunately , the trend in USA in last few years has been to keep comfort care patient completely pain free and anxiety free by using pain meds and anxiety meds liberally and keep the patient very very comfortable.

dmt1121 profile image
dmt1121 in reply to LearnAll

Yes. You are right. I have one, as does my wife

The short answer is Yes! A healthy diet (zero sugar and wheat which turns into sugar) and exercise is the basic thing to do (also for brain health). Then he can try a Sodium Ascorbate IV and very low dose Xtandi combination, which kills cancer cells and has almost zero side effects (in fact may make him feel better all round). Perhaps this can delay having another Lupron for a long time and "the man" can come back!

jfoesq profile image
jfoesq in reply to

David- can you point me towards any scientific studies to support your claim about Sodium Ascorbate? I looked briefly yesterday and didn't find anything.


in reply to jfoesq

Of course you will not find "scientific studies"! You have a lot to learn about how the Cancer Money Machine works, and how this machine suppresses anything that can damage profits. Part of this process is to scare the hell out of doctors who stray from using their outdated "Rule Book" which has no mention of either the major part the immune system plays, or alternates like Ascorbate. The short answer is there never will be any proper trials because it would cost millions, and there have been no volunteers to cough up the cash. But if you read the "alternative" websites, you will find many fine doctors in the USA (like Dr James Forsyth in Reno, Nevada) who have far higher survival rates than the "Rule Book" doctors. In a practice like his, and others that brave the wrath of the Mainstream, you will not find outdated things like biopsies, Gleason scores, "cut and burn", which are all but missing from initial treatment. These are replaced by a blood sample sent to Greece (they are the leaders) where the cancer cells are extracted and cultivated in petri dishes, and then carefully tested for susceptibility to being killed by a range of potential treatments. The actual treatments are then targeted to kill that combination of mutations. These may be a brew of low dose Docetaxel (10%) and other things like Sodium Ascorbate in the 30 to 70 grams twice a week area. Hydrogen Peroxide and Paladium may also be used.

I suspect that something like 6 rounds of full strength Chemo is never used in these clinics as this has a very high death rate (half are dead in 20 months). You cannot get 70+% 5-year survival rates using the "Rule Book" - but you will make a lot of money and never get sued.

If you do your homework, you will find all of the Cancer clinics with high survival rates (and some of these are around double the rates of the Rule Book guys) all use a combination of diet and Sodium Ascorbate as part of their basic treatments. Outside of the West, where the cancer medications are too expensive to buy, Vit C has been used for many years (often in low-dose combinations) as it is much cheaper - and their survival rates can also be higher than the "Rule Book" guys.

I am suggesting that you do not believe me, as everyone is different. Give it a try. It's harmless stuff if it does not work. There should be a "Vitamin Clinic" near you (and a few quacks as well unfortunately who add things that can get dangerous to push up the bill ). I wish I had access to multiple "safe and gentle" killer options like used by Dr Forsyth, as this would speed up my potential recovery. Vit C on its own soon loses its kill rate, but combinations work and kill better. I use low dose Xtandi as it is safe to use, I can get it, and that gives me about triple the kill rate. For now.

Yes - I have a "Rule Book" onco who sent me on 2 trips to the Pearly Gates (and onto a very steep learning curve), but now I only see him about once a year to get another Xtandi prescription. I will not be taking any more of his advice until he extracts his head out of the sand and stands up to do the right thing. He knows I would have died long ago without the Vit C, but does not dare to use it in his practice. How sad.

larry_dammit profile image

My dad is 87 with Stage 4, can’t do chemo. We have him on zytiga and lupron. Fatigue is awful but no other side effects.

Poollover profile image
Poollover in reply to larry_dammit

How long has he been on those two drugs.

larry_dammit profile image
larry_dammit in reply to Poollover

he was on them for a couple of years. Unfortunately due to a fall we lost him a while back

rococo profile image

Dr Myers used casodex monotheray for his older parietals. Could get any years from these antiadrogens with far less side effects. Rocco

j-o-h-n profile image


Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 09/21/2019 8:57 PM DST

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