My husband was diagnosed in Feb 2017, PSA 275, gleason 8, There were several enlarged lymph nodes in the iliac chain, obturator, and largest in the para-aortic measuring 3.3 cm. Bone scan was clear. He had his last 6 month Eligard (ADT) shot on May 20, and had radiation Aug 2017. After 3 months of ADT his psa dropped to .008 and has stayed there.
He had been suffering from lower back pain with tingling in his legs, so he had an MRI of the spine April 2018 which showed some spinal stenosis. It also showed a 2 cm lesion on the left ilium (pelvis). His family doctor had a bone scan done which again was clear. His radiation oncologist said that there should have been no further research and that it should be ignored.
It is my understanding that bone scans are not as sensitive as MRI’s in seeing certain types of lesions and tissue.
In the past month he has developed a new sharper pain in his left hip and (different from his usual pain in the lower back and right side.) In the last week he can barely get around the house or drive from the pain. He has barely left the house in a week and a half. He was given Tylenol 2.
Should he be having a different kind of scan to assess this lesion and see if it is bone metastasis? Would a PET scan be beneficial? Or am I overreacting and should we be happy with the .008 psa and leave everything alone as suggested by the oncologist. He actually told us to stop reading on the internet.
I feel very overwhelmed and don’t know where to turn. Here in Canada, there seems to be no way to get new scans, or even another CT scan. The family doctor actually gave him a regular xray, saying that it is a good place to start.
I so appreciate reading the good advice from the knowledgeable members here. And for your strengh, tenacity and sense of humour.
Thank you for any information you can give me.