I'm about to embark on a 44-session radiation treatment which my RO calls "out of the box."
Diagnosed in summer of '17 with gleason 8, I immediately started ADT with 6-month Lupron and daily 500 mgs Zytiga (half-strength due to liver stress). PSA has been undetectable for well over a year.
The key to the unusual timing of the RT seems to be my low burden -- one bone met on the pubis and one funky lymph node. Citations include HORRAD trial and our old friend, STAMPEDE; the latter notes, "In a prespecified subgroup analysis, overall survival was improved with RT in the men with a low metastatic burden at diagnosis." Low is defined as fewer that four mets.
When I moved from Denver to Minneapolis in the spring, my Denver MO (a Kaiser doc named Hermosillo) suggested in my farewell visit that I consider this treatment when I landed in Minnesota. My Minnesota MO, Dr. Wilkowske (head of oncology at Methodist Hospital) thought that was worth a shot and assigned me to a RO named Dr. Suppiah, who is taking to the challenge with enthusiasm. He plans to shoot the bone met too, since it was in the target zone.
Recent scans showed that both the bone met and the funky node had shrunk considerably after two years of ADT. Suppiah has high hopes and talked about an ADT vacation down the road.
Kind of nice to have a new infusion of hope after two years of feeling like you're in a gunsight. I'll put up with the threat of radiation damage for more time.
The preparations include belly tattoos to allow the techs to hit the right spot every day. I asked for a fouled anchor and a Chinese character that translates as "stupid," but they insisted on three tiny dots.
Is anybody else doing this course of treatment?