Hi can anyone tell me what a psa blood test level of 2.28 means I’m 60 years old
Help! PSA level ?: Hi can anyone tell... - Advanced Prostate...
Help! PSA level ?

It means you are below the threshold (4.0) where prostate cancer is a concern. Congratulations! Get another PSA test next year.
At age 60 a PSA of 2.28 does not mean anything. If you have any symptoms (i.e. difficulty urinating, painful urination, etc, see a urologist. It could be an infection, prostatitis, etc.
You’re still good ,unless you have some kind of symptoms like urgency to pee ....
If you've been treated with some kind of ablation, it's difficult to say what it means. What was your PSA before ablation?
Need details of symptoms and history to give appropriate answer...why was PSA ordered..as a part of annual check up or due to some other reason ?
Hi Tall_Allen
Thank you for your help everyone I had a check last year and was told to get a check every year. So i did and it came back at 2.28 which means I think by your posts that it within the normal range for a 60 years old. Tall_Allen I can't remember my previous test results but was told I was ok just a little enlarged prostate maybe due to prostatitis. After a few weeks months I started to urinate much better so I guess all is well.
Once again Thank you for all posts
My reading was only a checkup no symptoms just routine checking once a year.
At age 60, most common cause of enlarged prostate is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
You know what you should do? Go find the best partner you can find and bang the hell out of her/him.... Make it one for Gipper too and don't rest in between. Oh those were the days......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 08/03/2019 8:13 PM DST
I’m Happily married 🙏