Wondering if anyone here drinks it and why? I have been drinking it for about a year as it helps with post-running and workout soreness. A friend forwarded this mice study in China which I found interesting so curious if it's something to suggest to my husband.
Does anyone drink molecular hydrogen ... - Advanced Prostate...
Does anyone drink molecular hydrogen water?

Thank you! I figured that you, if anyone on this site, would know something about it. Most of the research to date seems to have been done in Japan; many of my family there swear by it which is why I started drinking it. I feel the difference immediately in terms of recovery after a workout. It also alleviates discomfort in my hip almost immediately (wear and tear from too much running) and hopefully will put off the so-called inevitable hip replacement.
What the hell is molecular hydrogen water? A water molecule contains two hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom. If you mean molecular hydrogen, it liquefies at a temperature lower than - 413 F. You can inhale molecular hydrogen at room temperature, but not drink it. If you do, don't smoke at the same time.
Bubbling water made with H2 instead of CO2. Good advice not to smoke at the same time or you could end up like the Hindenburg.
I use tablets that can be added to water. Also have a ionizer but find that I notice more profound results (in terms of pain relief) with the tablets.
This is a "hack" that professional athletes have been using for a quite some time.
These are studies done in humans:
From my favorite peer reviewed journal
My personal opinion is that anyone who trusts the Chinese pharma industry deserves to be weeded from the gene pool.
Your hydrogen water--I use Cell Food. An excerpt from an article about it.
"Other Uses
Athletes also use Cellfood to enhance their performance. A steady supply of oxygen is necessary to perform well and to have endurance. A study by the Institute for Sport Research at the University of Pretoria, South Africa finds that the use of Cellfood by athletes raised the body's oxygen consumption, increased red blood cells, which carry oxygen in the body, and lowered lactic acid levels and performance heart rates. These conditions all contribute to improved athletic performance."
The link to the article:
Side Effects of Cellfood | LEAFtv
Cell Food's home page--give the studies a quick scan:
Home | NuScience Corporation
Cell Food does raise pH.
I personally don't like flammable gas in my guts and circulating in my blood stream. Imagine belching near a open fire.
I only drink wet water.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 05/03/2019 6:50 PM DST
From what I know, the best water is reverse osmosis which is the purest form of h20, and yes among with an veggy diet can help dissipate cancer cells. The reason we have cancer is because of bad diet and lack of exercise, high testosterone in males over years is natural same with females and their elevated levels. How you balance YOUR intake is key. He'll I can do a study, gather data and make things seem statistical like any dr. Or scientist, not saying that they are wrong, i'm just saying there IS a natural order and most do zzNOT follow it.
Make mine a double ! I’ve done much worse . Kava kava .
I drink alkaline 88 ...but might be reason my sodium level is 5.3.....sets off alarm on bloodwork...but stuff makes feel....better....or maybe its the jamesons i chase it with🤔🤣
I try to mostly drink coffee and then beer- seems to be working and helps with my attitude