As we all know, the most common side-effect of cancer therapies - at least the ones I had, which is most - is fatigue.
Well, the Mayo Clinic and MD Anderson have done clinical studies and have found something that works. At least it has for me.
It's ginseng. 2000mg of pure ginseng a day (I use the same stuff they used in the trial); it's not 100% but it is one heck of a great improvement. One of the guys in my local support group says it cured his insomnia. is where I buy it, but I see no reason why the stuff from other sources wouldn't work just as well.
Since the FDA classifies ginseng as an "herbal supplement" nobody can make health claims for it which is probably why you may not have heard of it.
Any rate, for what it's worth. It's certainly improved my life.