My husband had a consultation with Dr. Earl Burgess in NC and he wants my husband to get a "bone scan and CT with contrast" and we're coordinating that with our local urology office. My husband got his 9th Firmagon shot yesterday and we will get PSA and testosterone results today. The urology office has scheduled the scans, but I am confused as to why a bone scan would be ordered instead of a PET scan if what I read is correct and bone scans are notoriously unreliable and often result in false negatives.
It's so hard as a caregiver/partner who is in the role of primary researcher because I feel like the providers take questions from wives as annoyances and I'm guessing they prefer it on the extremely rare occasion that I am not able to accompany my husband to his appointment (I've only missed one).
So now these scans are ordered and I want to make sure he's not subjecting himself to radiation for a scan that is inferior.
Also, his PSA last month was 0.01. So what will show up on a scan at this point? The urologist office has told us previously scans like Auximin were not advised when on ADT because he is likely to get false negatives or even false positives, but Dr. Burgess said mets will show even while on ADT.
My husband depends on me to help him gather information and try to help him with treatment decisions and questions. We have gotten different recommendations from different providers so we try to stay informed about options so we know what questions to ask and what to expect.
I'm confused and frustrated and welcome any input on the scan question and also on how to best ask questions of providers.
Thank you