I'm hoping to get some suggestions of what to ask my husband's Dr. when we see him next week.
Dx fall 2018 G9 PSA was 46. His prostate was too big and close to his colon for surgery. He started ADT (Firmagon) Jan 2019 then had HDR Brachytherapy and 22 EBRT. He stayed on ADT for a total of 20 months, his T was not going below 0.7 so he switched to Eligard for the last 6 months.
After stopping ADT his T never really came back but his PSA started to rise and got up to 1.9 from a nadir of 0.6. He restarted Eligard and they did a bone scan, CT scan. The CT scan shows spots in his prostate.
What treatments are possible for local relapse? Could they do more HDR Brachy?
We are in Canada and while it is great that we do not have to worry about whether insurance will cover treatment, it seems like we have less options outside of clinical trials and standard of care. We are willing to travel and pay for treatment if it gives him a better shot of being around for our kids. The youngest is only 8.
Any suggestions of what we should be asking would be much appreciated.