Hi To All
I have been coming to this site daily for about a month. A lot of info to be learned. I appreciate everyones's time and dedication that respond.
Dx in early Jan. Gleason 4+3, PSA 14, biopsy showed a lot of tumor.
Had RT a week ago, with positve margins, SV and lymph node involvement. Gleason now 5+4. Ugh.
Had short conversation with Urologist when having my Foley removed. My surgeon was on vacation. Will be talking with him this coming week.
Anyway, this Urologist said after my 1st PSA test in 5 weeks, we would decide what to do next. If PSA is low, RT +ADT. If it comes back high, I think he said immunotherapy. Does this sound right? What should I expect to come in the near future?
Also, I am in the Kaiser system in N. CA. Anyone else experienced with
fighting this disease with Kaiser? Am I in good hands? Happy with my treatment and docs so far. Thank you.