Is it a given that men with heart disease or stents or anything cardiac related will not be acccepted in clinical trials?
Clinical Trials: Is it a given that men... - Advanced Prostate...
Clinical Trials

There are certain trials where people with advanced CHF are excluded--NYHA III and all depends on the medication involved--stenting, especially if no MI or no significant cardiac ischemia should not prevent participation. You might have to get a Cardiologist to OK it, but yeah....Participate....This is how we will get to beating the beast back. It is what HIV+ people did--they went into clinical trials and got answers. I participated in a trial before I had surgery--apalutamide. My MO did not advise me to do any trials currently, but I watch trials and if things change, I will do it again.
I applaud your interest in trials and possible participation.
All the best,
No it’s not a given. I entered a clinical trial 16 months after a double by-pass.
Gourd Dancer

I had a LIMA bypass after having a 99% occlusion of my LAD--No MI-- didn't stop me from being in a trial...
I read your story the other day, and congratulate you on your total remission. Having a forward thinking Oncologist be aggressive and go after it made the difference.
Thank you for your courage in participating in a clinical trial. Clearly, it reaped huge benefits for you.
All the best,

Good news, thanks!
No, unless it is for a medicine/treatment suspected to have a cardiac effect, like estrogen or IRE. Many clinical trials require a minimal ECOG, WHO, or Karnofsky Performance Status. You have to check the requirements of each trial.