How often you guys do bone and CT scans?
I am asked to do both and just very worried about the toxicities from all these scans. Are they safe to do them like let’s say every year?
Thank you all for your help
How often you guys do bone and CT scans?
I am asked to do both and just very worried about the toxicities from all these scans. Are they safe to do them like let’s say every year?
Thank you all for your help
Why would you do them every year?
I am not doing them every year. It’s just I am applying for 18F pet/ct and they ask me to do a bone scan and ct scan for chest , abdomen and pelvis before they perform the 18F scan. I just did an mri for a whole body and gave to them but they still want those 2 scans and am worried about the radiations from all these scans.
A full body PET/CT exposes one to about 25 mGy. It's not something you want every year over a lifetime, but get it if you need it. By comparison, I received 40 Gy to my prostate only, which is 1600 times as much. The reflected dose to other parts of my body was probably 1 Gy, which is 40 times as much. Other sources of radiation exposure include flying at high altitude, granite countertops, radon in the house, and potassium in foods like bananas or potatoes.
Scans usually from any where from 6 months to a year. It depends a lot on what my PSA is doing. Usually the doctor will order the scans if he wants a new baseline or if he checking to see if any thing has changed. My PSA has stayed relatively low, so the scans help to see what is really going on.
I won't do additional imaging unless I suspect progression from either rising PSA, Alkaline Phosphatase or change in symptoms such as increasing pain. As a general rule, I consider tests to be used to inform treatment decisions.
As I said before I get so many scans that I'm starting to speak Scandinavian.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 01/27/2019 1:20 AM EST
Diagnosed in Sept 1999, treated with IMRT and seeds. Recurrance in 2011 and had bone scan and put on itermittent ADT. Had PET scan in 2013, all clear. Based on PSA readings and lack of any signs of mets did not have another one until last week I had an Axium Pet Scan which was also clear. I consider myself blessed.
Great results. Are you been on IADT since 2011?which drugs you are on please?
Been on lupron usually 1 yr on 1yr off. Did one year in clinical trial (2017) using an estradoil cream which worked very well.
Been off meds since then See my MO next week to see if I have to restart lupron.
Why did you stop the DES if it was working very well for and goes back on lubron? Thanks
It was a clinical trial for a year. Not back on Lupron as yet. I am going to try Estradoil cream (I think).