The middle of last month I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, stage 4, with metastasis to my bones. This was during an ER visit to a local civilian hospital. Over the last several weeks I have been in hospital and a care facility receiving a course of Lupron and miscellaneous other meds and physical therapy. VA has been advised although I haven't been able to visit them yet. I got a call from Tricare for life this week saying VA has requested TFL arrange some appts for me. This has been overwhelming and I haven't been able to wrap my mind around it yet. Bit of my history: USMC 1965-69. RVN 1966-67. US Army 1975-92, Desert Storm 1990-91.
New diagnosis of prostate cancer - Advanced Prostate...
New diagnosis of prostate cancer

On this eve of Veterans Day, I thank you for your service, USMC2159.
Welcome to this forum and to "the club." With bone metastasis you must, please, take TFL's appointments, one of which will presumably be with a urologic oncologist.
Good luck; there are a lot of men on this forum who have a lot of knowledge to share and we will try to be here for you.
Welcome. Here's an article that spells out the options for men in your situation. Please feel free to ask questions:
Greeting!!! You've come to the right place for valuable information and camaraderie.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 11/11/2018 6:43 PM EST
A shoutout to all the Veterans of our U.S.A. armed forces.
I salute you today for your service . Without guys like you the rest of us non military men wouldn’t be spouting freedom today. It says a lot that even a battle tested warrior such as your self feels “ Overwhelmed “ by APC. It can turn even the strongest man upside down . Stay in touch here please. I wish I had found this early on I found this cite after initial shock and fear and after treatments. I don’t think that there is any question that can’t be answered by members that were in your exact shoes. The fear of the big “C “ is fear of the unknown . Ask a lot of questions so you’ll have some ammo when you see your dr. One of my older brothers was there for 18 months on desert storm Thank God that you guys made it out of that hell hole and for you the others . You survived all of that s@@@ , you will survive this too . Youll need to scale some peaks with treatments and their side effects but it is possible to live with APC and most importantly still find some enjoyment in what you love. APC is a cluster F@@@ for all involved.. Whatever it takes to get on top of pc , you will do . My friend was a chief on a copter spraying AO in Nam Got shot down and was emerged in it upside down for grout hours before rescue.. He lives today with several cancers ( not pc) but is a testament to human will
Power and courage... We salute you guys on this day.. Scott 🤙🏽