My husband is six weeks out from his SR...
First Dx 2008, 30 radiation treatments with calypso with two years of lupron every six months
Recurrence spring 2018 Gleason 8 PSA just under 4 Did SR six weeks ago, new psa today 0.2 Not what we were hoping for. Going to test again in 6 weeks.
If it goes lower they will wait till it rises to start hormone treatment if it doesn’t lower still may wait.
The surgeon said cancer was positive in margines but had a lot of cancer in the prostate so getting it out was good. Due to the large amount of radiation he had done first dx he is having a hard recovery from surgery , sitting etc.. they sent him down for a CT scan to see if they missed anything from surgery.
Kinda discouraged was hoping we would be a Luckey one with the cute they talked about with surgery. Wasn’t in lymphoids or no shown bone Mets at this time,.
Is this the best protocol that his MO has laid out?
Concerned wife