I'm looking for feedback regarding treatment with Fractionated Chemo. I'm sure there are many places to get this treatment but the place I know is Dr Chin in Seattle. I have a friend who is being successfully treated for her ovarian cancer by Dr Chin but I would like to know how it is working for Advanced Metastatic Prostrate Cancer patients. Thanks for any input you have. Carl
Has anyone tried Fractionated Chemo o... - Advanced Prostate...
Has anyone tried Fractionated Chemo or have experience with Dr Chin in Seattle.

Do you mean weekly instead of every 3 weeks? When they did the trial for docetaxel, they found that " The median survival was 18.9 months in the group given docetaxel every 3 weeks, and 17.4 months in the group given weekly docetaxel" They also found no difference in quality of life.
I'm not certain of every case, but I'm pretty sure that some of the men I read about who had weekly instead of three week docetaxel cycles were given the weekly cycle because they had very bad reactions to the higher dose. They reported that they were considering quiting treatment but found that they could continue much more comfortably at the weekly dose.
I only skimmed the whole article but I did look more at the tables. Table 4 showed that 32% of the three weekly group but only 2% of the weekly group suffered grade 3 or 4 neutropenia. Looking at the rest of that table I wonder about the quality of life conclusion - though it may be that going through a nasty treatment once every three weeks, even if it's nastier than the once a week treatment, produces a subjectively better quality of life, at least for the patients that didn't suffer neutropenia.
I'm thinking that the authors of the study did the right thing in limiting their main conclusions to stating that docetaxel produced superior results as compared to mitoxantrone.
QOL is shown in Figure 2 - it was based on the FACT-P questionnaire: "The percentage of patients who had an improvement in the quality of life was similar in the two docetaxel groups (22 percent in the group given docetaxel every three weeks and 23 percent in the group given weekly docetaxel) " You are right that neutropenia was much higher, but it all seemed to even out in the end- ">1 serious adverse event was 26% for every 3 weeks and 29% for weekly" It makes sense to offer it to anyone who does poorly on the every 3 week regime.
Thank you Allen. Good information. Dr Chin in Portland offers reduced dosage on a more frequent basis along with other medication protocols. I'm pretty sure his approach is not a standard of care therapy.