Just saying hello....and asking if anyone pathology report said ductal variant hystology.....ty
Brothers in the fight: Just saying... - Advanced Prostate...
Brothers in the fight

Might want to read the following......

Thanks....i read that when i got my report...the rarity and agresivenes is wjy im asking..my docs wwont talk about it....doing lupron...thats another story.....ty for responding k
Ductal is a particularly aggressive form of prostate cancer. I think you should consult with a medical oncologist immediately, particularly one at a large cancer center who as had experience treating it. Docetaxel, 2nd line hormone therapy (e.g., Zytiga), and whole pelvic salvage radiation should be discussed.
Have apt. With mo in houston today....my gleason was 2 8's...and a 9...i really want to know ttd ...make my decision accordingly....ty for responding
Maybe just try searching on ductal in the search bar. Sorry if it is something you already tried. My husband has a rare cancer too.. no fun. With my husband's cancer they have been using aggressive but basically standard treatment.
Sorry about your diagnosis. Tons of hugs and prayers!
I hate to admit this.... but you're cool....
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 05/08/2018 1:40 PM EDT
Ty for replying...i am amazed at lack of nowledge of ductal pca....all i got was its a very aggresive form. .you didnt say if you had mets...i had pelvic met from get go...im just doing the lupron for now mo said with psa <.07....wait then 5or 6 other drugs....im 16 mos into it...also got the 2yr expirTion date...but i work hard evryday as a carpenter and have glass half full of irish whisky attitude....but this lupron is bad shit...cant imagine combining with chemo...any ways stay in touch...im in houston.... bikers are 1%....were.... 0.4%.....walk proud...
Yes I have it to! Ductal adenocarcinoma.. Gleason 9 with Metz to tail bone.. literally just found out on 5/8/2018... had my degarelix and starting Zytiga if my insurance will pay for it...
Good job...
Hi Nalakrats, Thank you for posting. My husband also has a Dx of Ductal Cribiform. We are working with a good med onc at Seattle Cancer Care. Would you mind sharing the name of your med onc? A consultation might be helpful. And the integrated protocol you are following?
My husband had prostate radiation and was 'cancer free' in Late 2012. Late 2013 Mets popped up in ischium and lungs. Then,
6 rounds of Dox, then Lupron and Casodex for almost 4 years. PSA dropped to undetectable but has been rising since January. Stopped Casodex, still rising. Right now its at .6 - so still low. Just finishing Provenge-maybe that will help. But definitely looking for next steps in the game plan, most likely Xtandi.
Woukd love to hear more details of your custom protocol and your med onc. Thank you.
I'm in Seattle, seeing Dr Hsieh in the UW Medical Center. I was sent to him By SCCA. Who are you seeing?
This Ductal diagnoses really sucks. Check in with Tall Allen, he has the name of a dr. At UW that may be the best source for answers. My doctor works with her. I forgot her name.
Hi there, we're seeing Dr Higano and team at SCCA.
Thanks for the tip re: your doc at UW, I'll check them out.
While not a Ductal specialist, we're consulting with Dr Chue at LifeSpring. He seems to have a more holistic approach and offers alot of his time (2 hour visit). We just want to hear a different perspective and see what's possible outside the straight and narrow treatment paths at SCCA.
From what I understand Dr. Higono is the best in the US for Ductal. You are very lucky. Let me know how your treatment goes.
I see Dr. Hsieh at UW prostate cancer center.
Are all respondants still with us.....if so how are we doing....