Eric is scheduled to undergo a robotic radical prostatectomy this morning. He is not excited about the potential side effects. Especially since the Lupron has already caused impotence. We were both ready to punch his primary care doctor yesterday who was trying to explain to him the side effects of Lupron. Yes, Eric is an expert on those. This is the doctor who failed to run a PSA on is man who has a father with a history of PC. Eric is looking forward to getting beyond the surgery and back to bagpiping. Unfortunately he will not be able to play for 8 weeks because of the Valsalvas maneuver. Thanks so much for your support!
EricE is on his way to surgery - Advanced Prostate...
EricE is on his way to surgery

MrsEricE I don't want to speak for everyone but I'm guessing we are all with him in our thoughts today.
I will pray that everything goes well. 🙏
Our thoughts and prayers are with you both today. We wish you a day soon filled with bagpipes!
MrsEricE, Sending healing prayers your way.. a speedy recovery... With your love he will heal.. God bless you with a effective treatment plan.. we adjust to this lifestyle. Hope this is what’s needed to keep the big guy here for decades to come.. Western med Drs are heavily entrenched into thier med training box and in the US , they are financially rewarded. pharma reps rule the roost... Although some drs can be indifferent and don’t see the person inside of the patient they are a nessesary evil in our struggle to live with APC . They deserve compensation , they can save lives.. It’ll be a great day when EricE can breakout the bagpipes again to his fullest.. I’ d personally be thrilled if you sent us that video , once he’s recovered from the RP.. I think back to my wife as she slept in a chair in my room for a week.. Her love has brought me through.. Your love will see him through ... Peace tonite..
I went in with 7 inches, came out with 5. I didn't feel anything down there till about 2 years after, when I got my first bone. And it hurt like hell, now almost 3 years later its less painful. But at least I was given a longer life.
Prayers are with you
MrsEricE - strength to you and to the love of your life. Be strong, stay positive. Can I ask if your hubby will play us all a victory song on his pipe when he is back up and able? God bless
Good luck on the surgery, sorry to say the side effects will be a pain but if it keeps him around for more years that’s cheap payment.
It will be a piece of cake.... I had my RPD and two hernias repaired at the same time. Went in on a Friday morning out by Monday morning. Tell him not to get winded...
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Friday 04/13/2018 9:45 AM EDT
Hoping for a good outcome and speedy recovery!
Have him try some creative visualization- it would be perfect for him.
Consider that in the old days, whenever one heard the skirl of the bagpipes, it meant someone was coming up over the mountain to kick your ass.
Aim those bad boys at the cancer, and blow hard!
Thanks to all of your for your support. It is amazingly helpful! He had a rough night but is doing better in the light of day. The surgeon said that the surrounding tissue looked much better than he expected which made me very happy. He also had two hernias fixed as well. Here we come happy recovery!
Please tell Eric that we all are in great admiration of his courage and determination to get better.
HOpe Eric is doing much better today, now that the surgery is over. He will heal. As for the bagpipes, I think many here in the colonies are glad that he is silenced for a while!!! (Just kidding, I love bagpipe music.) Herb
All the very best to you both.... Thinking of you and gods speed
I use to tell my husband id rather live thru the side effects together was more important that I had him by my side ...
What a wonderful way to express exactly what I am feeling. Thanks for your kind words
Hello and how is Eric?
Eric had his prostatectomy and two inguinal hernia repairs. He has recovered very well regarding pain but is still really struggling with the incontinence. He has been diligently doing his pelvic floor Kegel exercises and thinks it might be a bit better but any incontinence is frustrating. He is walking daily and is definitely working on healing. Now he is a month out and has one more month to wait before he can play his bagpipes. He is chomping at the bit for that! Thanks for your note.
My incontinence was down to wearing a pad and a few drop during day after 6 weeks. Now a year later "what incontinence", hope he does as well. Scoot forward on chair , get feet directly under you, 5-6 Kegals before standing, stay dry getting out of chair. Worked for me and that was when I dripped the most. Best of luck to you, good things come to those who wait (and work hard at it).
Thanks Shooter1. I'm still leaky but hanging in there. It seems as if I am using fewer pads and briefs. I use a men's diaper brief with a pad in it as well. The brief lasts about a half a day and pads last about 3 hours. I don't have any more pain and I'm getting out regularly. Could be far worse. I'm still worried about how much continence I'll get back but I'm enjoying life while I worry I'm heading back to work around June 1 part-time. It's coming up fast.
I did my RP about a month ago. From 3-4 pads a day down to one. It’ll get much better with time. I was also very anxious, but this recovery has a mind of its own. You should definitely see an ED specialist. I’m happy I did.