We will fight through this, DAD! - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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We will fight through this, DAD!

iLoveDad profile image
38 Replies

My dad has been diagnosed with a stage IV Prostate Metastatic Cancer. He is 68 years old, used to be heavy drinker, non smoker. He had an open heart valve repair surgery in 2009, half pancreas and spleen removed in 2012. He has mild minor thalessemia (Sickle cell disease). We are from Singapore.

Doctor told us that HT(Hormone Therapy) is the option for him right now. He is currently taking Lucrin Depot 11.25mg on a 3 month basis. Yesterday was his first injection, at night time, he was facing hot flushes, especially on his ears, nausea, short breath. I wonder if anyone taking same medication experience this too? His PSA is at 17.8H, there were no detection of prostate cancer during prostate biopsy TWICE, after discussing this with other patients on forums, I believe that these two biopsies were miss site. (Please check out my other post on the reports) The doctors were puzzled about it too. His 10th left rib has been detected with prostate, I do not have his gleason score and further path report yet. But I do have a full CT and PET Scan. I'm hoping for the best, trying to hear some survivors comments here, any food diet or anything any information will be good.

WE CAN FIGHT IT! I'm trying to give him my moral and positive support daily.

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iLoveDad profile image
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38 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

Hot flashes and loss of libido are the two most common symptoms from Lucrin injections. There are several treatments for the hot flashes, including acupuncture, Venlafaxine, estrogen patches, and progestin (Megace) patches.

As for other therapies to start off with, other than just Lucrin, there are several options. But I don't know what is approved or available in your country. Here's an article describing other options. He should discuss these with his oncologist.


iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply toTall_Allen

Hey Tall_Allen, thank you for your reply and the article. Our doctor told us that in Singapore, Lucrin Depot is the only Hormone Therapy used, so that is our only choice. Doctor also mentioned that he is a Stage IV, and said chemo, immunology, radio is not an option for him. Currently we are waiting to see on a 3 month basis, hoping to see his PSA goes down and if medication works. PRAYING HARD AND HOPING FOR BEST! It is only day 2 and I can see some changes in his mood, he is exhausted, I'm trying to give him the best support.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply toiLoveDad

A patient treated at the National University Cancer Institute in Singapore told me his father received abiraterone there. Perhaps consult with a different oncologist.

iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply toTall_Allen

That's what I thought too, trying to persuade my Dad to transfer but his doctor kept telling him its not needed! I'm trying to persuade him again tomorrow, hoping for best!

elliefight4dad profile image
elliefight4dad in reply toiLoveDad

I would definitely look into abiraterone. I have read about good outcomes when used early with ADT. Good luck and best of wishes!

Dr_WHO profile image

Hang in there! There are a lot of men (me included) that have Stage 4 but who are still going strong! The modern advances over the last couple of years have been great!

Finally, please know that your whole family are now part of our family. You will never be alone again! After all, people like us we have to stick together!

iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply toDr_WHO

Thanks! I'm glad to hear from you and going strong! Are you a Met patient too? The doctor isn't giving us much information, I am trying to read up as much as I can. I'm currently residing in US, married to American husband. Being far away from my parents hurt me so bad, half a globe, I last visited my dad last month, came back last week and hearing the report only yesterday. I was with him during his biopsy test. The article is great!

What frustrates me is my dad been visiting Urologist for the past 2 years and takingTamsulosin. His first experience was when he was peeing blood, and tests show no cancer found at that time. He is still on Tamsulosin pills, daily intake.

The last two prostate biopsies, no cancer from prostate detected, I heard from other forum that it can be a miss site since small samples are being taken. It angers and frustrates me somewhat because it could've been found years ago but now its spread to the bone.

We found out about Metastatic when he actually did a PET Scan for his checks for pancreas. (Singapore General Hospital for pancreas and heart, he is currently in Changi General Hospital for prostate diagnosis)

Are there any food diet to watch or anything we can do to improve his quality of life? I've been skyping with him daily, sending him pictures of me encouraging him. I'm obese so my dad wants to see me keeping it healthy, I'm trying to lose weight and encouraging him with it.

Dr_WHO profile image

For the diet please stay away from dairy and processed foods. Listed below is one source of information on diets.



My cancer metastasized to the pelvic area but not to the bones or distant organs. I had 18 years of testing (starting at 40) but when they first found it the cancer was already advanced.

Caregivers have a special place in my heart. You are the ones that keep us going. Please know that you are also a warrior in this battle and we are with you!

iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply toDr_WHO

To be honest, I'm a negative person, but after hearing about my dad's condition, it hit me really hard and time to buck it up! I'm definitely going to fight this with my dad, hes very close to me, I'll never give up on him. I'm trying to do my best as I can, even though being so far away, I skype with him every morning and night. Thanks for letting me know about dairy, hes been drinking Tea with Milk TWICE DAILY!!!!!!! I should try to persuade him, hes addicted to it! Once again, you are amazing and the website is so informative!

Dr_WHO profile image
Dr_WHO in reply toiLoveDad

I drink Almond milk. It is not that bad.

Heidabelle profile image
Heidabelle in reply toDr_WHO

I’m pro almond milk myself. ( I believe it’s best to avoid cows milk. ) No offense to cows! Cows are still cool! 🤗

iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply toHeidabelle

Great news, I finally persuaded Dad to not drink milk. He's quitting milk right now and replacing with Almond or Soy milk.

in reply toiLoveDad

That’s big! He loves you.. good daughter.. nothing more powerful than a daughter love....

in reply toiLoveDad

A little milk in the tea, especially if he loves it. No biggie. At this point for you it’s a lot of fear of what s to come.. my dad had it at 72, had surgery then passed from heart issues a few yrs later.. you can’t force anyone but especially a 68 yr old man to change diet .. meat and amimal proteins not recommended by me. For now just get him thru whatever treatments and if he eats some bad stuff once in awhile, we still must find some enjoyment in life. Love him comfort him encourage and pray for him. Is he married? Good to have a support group . We are lucky if we have one person there for us.He has you. Often it’s just one person that really cares. One is enough. Take care of yourself also in this stressful time. He can lean on your strength. God bless!

iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply to

yes, my mom is also a survivor from breast cancer. Mom is with him now, giving the best support as she can since I'm far in the States right now being half a globe away. I'm trying to give both of them the best support. It isnt exactly milk that he's drinking on daily basis, its tea with condensed milk(canned) that's my concern. Is it still fine? What sort of meat other than fish can he take? Is chicken alright? Thanks for your information! We are planning for a family vacation when he's feeling better, he's been wanting to go somewhere as a family.

in reply toiLoveDad

Mmm condensed milk, sweet in tea. Hemp or almond are subs. Diet is all about who you ask and what he’s willing to do. Natural paths mostly believe in no animal proteins. Lots of veggies and an alkaline diet, no sugar or processed food.. What ? No more pizza Or ice cream.? Diet so important for his heart also. Once in awhile anything is O K it’s our daily bad habits that hurt us.. if meat is not stopped try to eat organic only, Less red, .. Google diets for APC .. so much info . A lot of conflicting info but some basics I’ve stated. It’s needs to be tailored to his needs and desires. Food is one of our great enjoyments in life. I love all of the fattening sweets , bad carbs pizza and gelato too . There are pretty good healthier alternatives at health food stores or amazon. The desire to change diet and eat differently is the hard part.

iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply to

Thanks for your amazing information! I've been googling on food diets but you are right lots of conflicting info, I get confused with it.

in reply toiLoveDad

Even on this site diet is in eternal conflict. Im following a naturalpathic in diet and nutients. Putting as much good stuff as i can into my body. Im lead by my wife that has always eaten this way. My better half is taking care of me with gourmet organic cooking. Her love makes my life worth living. Your dad has you. I worry about those that are totally alone. He needs love more than ever . You cant force a diet on anybody. Ask him that you want him to change so that you can be with him longer.. your love will win.

KingRasP profile image

Dear lLoveDad,

So sorry to hear about your dad. Your support is very crucial in terms of his coping. Cancer can be very scary ordeal.

You are in the right forum, for all the information and support one can need, and obtain in such a time as this.

Remember you and your dad are not alone, we are all in this boat togarher. Our chain is as strong as it's weakest link, so lean upon us for support as much as necessary.

Ps we also have a caregiver's support group.

With much prayers and optimism, from one Caregiver to another.

Metungboy profile image

Hi iLoveDad,

Sorry to hear the sad news about your father. I am 64 and have extensive disease and I am also a doctor. Throughout my life I've heard responses suggesting that fighting cancer is a good strategy and my view is that it is not. There is no evidence that trying harder makes any difference to the outcome. There is no evidence that a "positive outlook" makes a jot of difference to how long a person with cancer will live.

There is, however, plenty of evidence that having a realistic positive view of life makes the patient's quality of life much better. The danger with the fighting or battling or struggling pardigm, is that there is potential for the patient to take crazy risks with treatment and also there is the possibility that the patient may be blamed for not fighting hard enough.

Ihave seen very sad outcomes from this approach.

There is a very old article about this by I think Susan Sontag called "Illness as a metaphor".

Worth a read.

Most people can live longer and better with treatment including especially exercise but fighting is not for me.

Useless and risky.

in reply toMetungboy

I agree, I use the words fight and kill. This terminology is negative. I won’t use them anymore. We only fight ourselves. Better to love yourself and try to cure this dysfunctional child that We’ ve built up inside of us, with goodness , healthy thoughts and habits to fend off and placate the inevitable outcome. None of us are getting out of this alive. We should appreciate every second we have while not in brutal pain or in the hospital. Live “ with” APC in peace and gratitude knowing that it can always get worse. Enjoy whatever brings you joy . Here and now... Thank you for your views..you have clarity on this subject...

stdcdabci profile image

Diet: This is a hard diet to follow but the basics for a cancer patient diet is this: eat organic foods when available; eat live food and eat no processed foods. If it’s in a can, box or bag don’t eat it. No red meat, no dairy and if it’s white in color it probably is not good to eat. This diet leans heavily on fruits and vegetables, dried organic beans you prepare , grains, oats, lrgumes. Juice some of your foods. The best resource for an anti cancer diet is The Gerson Method for cancer treatment and a book I recommend also is Radical Remission, Surving cancer against all odds - Kelly Turner PhD. She discusses 9 factors common in people who beat cancer and diet is heavily explained as one common success factor in her book. Also, lots of cancer people take vitamins including vitamin D3, melatonin, citrus pectin, and vitamin C. I’ve discovered that dozens of vitamins are recommended as the list is endless. This is just raw basics. Do some homework and the answers will come. I suggest to make changes slowly as the gerson diet is akin to going to food boot camp, and we are all not necessarily prepared for that. Good luck. Stan AZ

iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply tostdcdabci

I've just explained to dad about no dairy, hes been taking milk tea daily for his whole life! This will be tough for him to change but it will happen! Mom and I are giving our best support as we can! I'll definitely read up.

iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply tostdcdabci

What about White Rice? We are asians and we take ALOTTTTTTTTTTT of white rice

in reply toiLoveDad

Black , brown or wild rice are much better.. white rice is starch like and turns to sugar.. many other qualities of Asian diet ie veggies little meat .

stdcdabci profile image
stdcdabci in reply toiLoveDad

Well, good question. Brown rice has more fiber and is a healthier choice. I love white rice too but I’m sick so I eat brown rice. It’s all choices.

iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply tostdcdabci

this is going to be so hard, I'll try to talk to mom about it, starting off by mixing brown and white rice, I believe that will be a better idea. Thank you so much for ur reply!

vandy69 profile image

Good Thursday Morning iLoveDad,

I have been Stage 4 (many lymph node mets) since diagnosis in August 2012 at age 65. Please see my bio for complete treatment history.

If in US, your Dad would have many treatment paths. First branch is either Docetaxel chemo now or Zytiga with prednisone now. Recent trials have shown these choices, early on, significantly extend life. Chemo is harsher but shorter and Zytiga can be extremely expensive ($10,000/month retail) and continues longer.

He needs the best Medical Oncologist who specializes in prostate cancer that he can find. Quality of treatment matters!

Best wishes. Never Give In.

Mark, Atlanta

iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply tovandy69

Thank you for sharing this great information!

EdBar profile image

I too had two negative biopsies and shrugged it off as pancreatitis until some lower back pain got me back for another biopsy some years later and I had full blown stage 4 PCa with numerous mets to my skeleton and several nodes, this was 4 years ago. After taking an aggressive treatment approach, I'm in a good spot today with clear scans and an undetectable PSA, hoping it lasts. You can click on my profile to see what I've done regarding my treatment. Good luck, learn all you can, get an oncologist that specializes in PCa and be your own advocate.

One day at a time...


iLoveDad profile image
iLoveDad in reply toEdBar

so great to hear from you! Thank you for sharing, this really is awesome. I'm feeling so much better. I'll be sharing your story with Dad!

in reply toEdBar

Good for you EdBar. I celebrate your good news along with anyone else with good news. I’m in similar shape right now .. Thank God !,Are we at the assumption that we have conquered APC ? Hell no.. just thankful for a respit from the storm .. We all have bad days. So enjoy the good ones while we can. One day at a time.. Enjoy life! Encouraging others who,are scared at a point that you have already met and triumphed the first round is admireable. It’s not our intent to brag, rather just to encourage those that are coming after us. I understand that someone going down in flames right now or someone castratrate resistant not wanting to her of our temporary happiness with good news. Our prayer are for you also. But Understand the newbies need help... and encouragement... nice job , hope for your continued success....

EdBar profile image
EdBar in reply to

Exactly I share good news so that others who’ve been dealt a tough hand know that there is hope but you gotta be a warrior. I never take my current status for granted and live knowing it’s only good till next months blood work. God is working miracles in my life and the power of prayer is strong.

One more cast...


in reply toEdBar

Thank God ! And we will just keep casting........as long as we can. Peace to,you...

EdBar profile image

In my earlier reply it reads pancreatitis, meant to say prostatitis - dang spell correct 😀

in reply toEdBar

Spl ck suckith!

j-o-h-n profile image

To iLoveDad,

I am Asian also, Cauc"asian"....

White Rice is Asian oxygen, ever try substituting Farro or Quinoa for White Rice? Take care of yourself as well as taking care of your Dad.

Good Luck and Good Health.

j-o-h-n Thursday 03/08/2018 9:49 PM EST

MilaDelcour profile image

I'm feeling for you really :( my father got bladder cancer 3 years ago , first he operated to burn out the tumors and after that he took same injection you have mentioned for 3 months and I remember how painful it was , more painful than the operation itself:( but after this honestly , he started a very strict diet (detox, water fasting , cutting of meats , bead , corn, not eating cooked food only fresh ecologic fruits meals plus some almonds or nuts ) like this two years now and the one tumor that appeared right after his operation decreased (kind of ) no more pain , only few times and he gain back his weight as he lot a lot while he was on operation times .. He never tried chemotherapy he refuses ! Maybe natural diet can help a bit ur father?

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