Hi, In 2014 when in hospital for a deadly venomous fish stabbing my foot a doctor informed me I had lung cancer. Pulmonologist first sentence to me was that he was going to cut out my left lung. I was shocked and frightened, but told him to jump in a lake and never returned. I used ever known Cancer cure I could find, a Pearl M Resonant Light Tech RIFE, ACHH, juicing greens and 4 lemons a day, Essiac Tea, Organic foods and Apple Cyder Vinegar. I also had terrible pains for 3 years from the venom neurotoxins and ocean domic acid poisoning, amnesia shellfish poisoning, paralytic shellfish poisoning and murmured poisoning. Doctors said I would die in 4 hours. I was very sick. Cancer on top of this was a challenge. Now my Pulmonologist smiles and after 1 year and 6 months (3 six month checkups) my Cancer has encapsulated itself in a shrunken 2 inch granuloma. RIFE is incredible and saved me thru many phases from septic, nights I thought I would die, to ridding fuzz feeling in my mouth for months from such chemical changes in my body. My family even threatened to take charge of my life because my husband and I chose not to allow chemo or cutting out parts that I would need when I healed, as Dr Hulda Clark's book A CURE For All Cancers stated. It was frightening but worth my decision not to follow allopathic methods. I am not saying thatvis,wise for anyone. I am just a Hugh coward in hospitals.
NOW, My wonderful supportive husband has Prostate Cancer. His PSA was twice at PSA 25. He took Essiac Tea and Men's Formula 3 pills each x twice a day. He used RIFE a few times but we were on the road and machine is fragile, $7000 and difficult to take. His PSA dropped in 45 days down to PSA 16. We are continuing all that I did for lung cancer.
My question is, does anyone know if a lower PSA actually knows if that correlates to less Cancer? Can you have a low PSA and still have the cancer? I read one man who cam way down on his PSA but Cancer was in his bones.
Also we are so greatful and open to learn and try anything other,wish to share.
Thank you warmly.