Any answers,stage 4 prostate cancer,down to last of chemo options maybe 2-3 more options not sure.
Last of chemo options: Any answers... - Advanced Prostate...
Last of chemo options

I have aggressive prostate cancer and had radiation treatments plus Hormone therapy and my psa has dropped to .4 from 9 I read about Laetrile and started a regime of that then my psa dropped to .1 I will have a ct scan on April and psa also, I figure I better change my diet to plant food, before it was too late. also I am nervous but looking forward for the CT Scan, so I figure I better do my part in what I eat, I have started intermittent fasting too. 3 times a week I don't eat after dinner which is around 5 or 6pm and eat breakfast around noon. I know if or when the Lupron shot doesn't work I have to go on Chemo, I feel better with all the changes already but until I get the psa and CT scan, I can't be totally sure,but I feel I had options to do this while waiting for the next results or if necessary protocol. maybe you have changed your diet, I don't know. I feel it is a good option for us as a prostate cancer survivorl
God Bless
Robert, You have lots of options before Chemo, You could be doing casodex and avodart with the Luppron, If they were to fail, You can do oral zytiga, and then oral xtandi. In high risk Prostate Cancer It is shown that early chemo with early adt improves survival also a shown that eary zytiga with early adt improves survival, see charted and stampede studies. It is advisable to be treated by an expert Medical Oncologist specializing in Prostate Cancer. I am not sure when you were dxed but with High risk it is common to do chemo up front with initial Lupron while the body is strong and cancer weak. IMO it is the lupron and not the laetril that dropped your psa. i wish you the best, and please keep us posted.
Hi Vinnyf,
I'm glad your first cycle of chemo worked so well for you, and I hope your current Xtandi therapy works for a long time. When it stops working, they often try Zytiga, although it usually doesn't work for long. Sometimes, another cycle of chemo can restore sensitivity to Xtandi. The other approved drugs for men in your situation are Xofigo for bone mets, and Provenge, an immunotherapy. There are also older remedies like ketoconazole, estrogen patches, and Mitoxantrone that have been effective in select patients. There are many more drugs in clinical trials - you should discuss clinical trials with your medical oncologist.
If you are already taking Xgeva or Zometa for bone loss, adding Celebrex to it has been shown to extend survival in some patients.
Also, you might want to discuss having a biopsy of one of your tumors. There are some medicines hat may be effective against some rare tumor types.
Hi Vinnyf, Are you saying that the xtandi you were trying a year ago has stopped working? Have you tried Zytiga . I am on Javenta now have done one cycle. Tall Allen has a great response here, but It would help to know what you have tried recently. I wish you the best and keep us posted.
I have been on Docetaxel and Carboplatin for over a year. I just finished my 19 infusion yesterday. My MO says I will be on that regimen along with ADT for as long as it works. The MOs at MSK where I go keep patients on that Chemo treatment for much longer than 6 rounds. For me it is working based on bone and CT scans. I am 73 if that makes a difference.
Vinnyf, a man of few words....
Great site here but we need more communication....
people here are RAD.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 02/28/2018 7:11 PM EST