Finished provenge cycle on Dec.21. Felt pretty god when I left Dr.s office. Didn't feel well Friday or Saturday. Called oncologist and he said to go to emergency. Also there might be contamination of my last infusion. Went to emergency and they tested very high markers for a liver test. They thought I might have hepatitus. They ran numerous tests and I was released from the hospital on Christmas evening. The possible hepatitus infection was automatically referred to the county health department for infectious diseases. I saw an infectious diseases doctor in the hospital and had an office visit on Jan.12. Prior to that I had another blood test. I see him again in Feb. after another blood test. At this time they have no idea about my condition. The only time I had high liver readings were at the hospital. The only problem I am having is both knees are sore. I will see how this plays out.
After provenge: Finished provenge cycle... - Advanced Prostate...
After provenge

Finished my third Provenge on December 15th. I have not had any of these symptoms. My PSA is up a bit and I see the Oncologist today. I am perhaps a bit more tired than when I started the treatment and I have had a few times when fatigue grabbed me. Overall, I am fine and just fought off a "flu" episode with a seemingly good immune response.
PET Scan in 3months will tell if tumor in my chest has shrunk.
My final infusion was November 2nd last year. Only immediate reaction was nerve damage to hand from infusion needle. Primary care doctor says will probably not get better, but I hope b-12 that I am taking helps. I do feel increased weakness in both legs, but this might be due vertebra compression from radiation treatments. Otherwise, I do not feel any impairment or change from prior to provenge treatment. After seven years of treatment and a 79th birthday, I find it difficult to identify "cause and effect" relationships. On the plus side, I am still able to work on my farm. I am hopeful that the provenge will eliminate the lymph node mets. A scan is scheduled in April. Wishing you happiness in every day.
radiation would not cause vertebra compression but PCa would
This is what my primary care physician stated; note osteoporosis is only evident in the lumbar vertebra. Also have other problems in the pelvic area including rectal bleeding (light), soiling, and difficulty in evacuating. Typically have four bowel movements daily and more if have heavy physical activity. The radiation treatment was not effective in lowering PSA. Perhaps the targeting was inaccurate.
finished provenge trtmt end of Dec. feeling wore than when started...not a complainer..but fatigue very bad. using walker..didn't before..feeling bad...worst of all I now have lost 4 lbs. I can't appetite at all...I had been gaining before when on Zytiga and prednisone. Taking Procrit a wk. friday shot 3... probably older than you..wife is very worried am I.
I have started feeling better but still not finished with the infectious disease folks. I will see oncologist later this month. My appetite is hood, but I lost 4 pounds.
I would appreciate anyone's feelings about my situation. Am now in Hospital with 101.3 rectal temp. had every test. Dr. wanted all checked out to see if somethg. else causing this. Infectious disease Dr. was just in.. is having another test. Meanwhile my new med Xtandi arrived at home from vets ..waiting for me to start.
I am starting to feel Provenge, for me, was not for me! I had three after the other in 3 Dec.
Gus, Dan, Mr. Connecticut,Lullu, Patrick, etc. Any thoughts?\
Forgot..lost 6 lbs. absolutely no appetite. Taking Megace-half as recommended 5ml. Had to stop me ill.
Sid, What are your Blood numbers for white blood cells, and how do your other labs look? What does the Dr. think the problem is? I am assuming with 3 treatments of provenge you are done now, and just waiting for fever to break so you can start your xtandi. Hang in there Brother!
WBC 11.9 .previously 8.8 RBC3.77getting transfusion tom. plat.502 doesn't look too good..does it. Do you think this is it!
No sid, Your wbc look real good, plenty of immune system to fight off that fever, I think the reds, are just a hair low, But the transfusion will take care of that. platelets are in range to, Platelets at 500 is way better than mine, I think you will be fine , do not lose hope! Xtandi will work great for you, Please keep us posted on what is happening, I will keep you in my morning prayers
sounds a little to Sidnw...He has felt horrible since last trtmt. in Dec. In hospital now taking every test one can think of. Oncol. says it's got to be something giving you an infection and fever....and no appetite and constant absolute exhaustion. Infectious disease Dr. in to see me today..gave me a terrific exam....took another test looking at liver..said he thinks fever coming from infection in liver...there are three..he said small somewhat like cysts and another procedure shd. be an absess...drain....I(wife) am really worried and am in bad condition from all this now. We will see tom. what happens. when I left today they were starting a blood transfusion
Hi sidnw,
I'm sorry for all what you and your husband are going through. I will be praying for you to have strength.
I got a bacterial infection after 3rd transfusion. Went to hospital for three days and got out on xmas evening. They thought I had hepatitus. Infectious disease doc saw me at hospital and had no solid explanation of what was going on. I saw him again in January after blood test. Will have another blood test and see him in February. If you are still in hospital have them pull your blood tests and explain to you how they are making these assessments. I have all my blood tests from my oncologist going back 7 years. All my liver tests were fine. I requested all my tests from hospital. Hopefully, I will receive them soon. After being out of the hospital for approx. a week, I was feeling great. Good luck with this problem.
I am taking your comments to hosp. now....Provenge..never want to hear that word again. Thanks for advice! Snw (Wife)
Hi Sid - sorry about your ongoing health issues, but the PROVENGE might actually be working right now to help you as well...may take 6-12 months to link any improvement to the PROVENGE.....meanwhile stay positive and deal with each setback as they might be doing and feeling much better in a few months....good luck! Ron in Connecticut.....
Ron, Sid coming home from hosp. after a wk. there. Had a fever of 101.4 and they gave him so many tsts. thought liver had problems but after tstg, the two spots there they said liver OK..theydo not know where infection came from. Started Xtandi ..just one today...and hope no bad side effects. He is just eating tiny amounts but hoping appetite med..a bit of mar.....5ml. will kick in soon. He sends regards to all his new frds. He still thk. Provenge was the trouble maker but maybe you are right the 6-12 mth. period hopefully will prove somethg good.
To Sid and his caring wife Shyrlene:
"But wait! There's more! " (As they say on TV infomercials)....I'm predicting the XTANDI pills Sid has just started taking, might be helpful......we all know that there is no one single proven sequence of drugs and treatment for the beast prostate cancer.....Sid is now taking XTANDI after he completed PROVENGE......just the opposite for me.....did XTANDI for about 2 years from 2015 thru 2016 and it kept my PSA low - below 15 as I recall...but then it stopped working. Onc took me off XTANDI, had me start with ZYTIGA but that never worked as PSA climbed to 25-30 as I recall, and then I had the PROVENGE during 2017 finishing at end of October 2017.....mets to lymph nodes and bones since mid-2017, so I started chemo with TAXOTERE on January 26, 2018 and will continue every 3 weeks until either no improvement in PSA (now at 540) or no reduction in mets, or until side effects develop and get really bad - so far no problem after first chemo session 10 days ago.....Sid, bottom line: one never knows what may or may not work - the XTANDI was great for me for 2 years, and I hope it helps you.....all we can do is try new treatments, stay positive, and post stuff here to help "beginners" and "newbies" behind us...... Best regards from Ron In southern Connecticut (Patriots territory, today being a national holiday, Super Bowl Sunday).......
Ron, Thanks for giving me some hope....I am so exhausted ...cancer, hospital tests and moretsts. But you justgave me some hope....Your message really was from a friend! Hope you have lots of luck with chemo. You deserve the best. I hope the Xtandi gives me even a year more.
Sidnw (Shyrlene...goodluck Ron and THANKS!)
Tsts. re: liver taken this afternoon...Infectious Disease Dr. took another tst. today with biopsy's on the 2 cysts? for the different bacterias giving me fever....or is it the cancer ..with bone cancer liver nearby....
Hi sidnw, let's hope that is not the case. Can you post in the main group so others can see it and comment? My thoughts and prayers are with you and Shyrlene your wife.
Thanks for your kind words! wd. you do I go to the main group????
Sid, At the top of this page you will see home(you may have to scroll to the top, where you click open it , it will take you to a page where it say “What is your question” or “whats on your mind” Just type in that box and click post. I am looking forward to your post, it is sometimes hard to find where you write things now.
Cheers, Dan
Sid, check your private messages (chat)
I will have my lovely wife do that tom. She is helping me right now preparing for AM since she is leaving very early.
I really am stupid and learning (Shyrlene too) where are the private messages
Just go to the top of the home page and click the chat bubble icon. Which is to the left of the bell icon. We all learning you are not stupid. Things can get confusing.
I hope you are both doing good.