I just had my blood tests done for the 3rd round of chemo. All the tests were within the normal range except the ALT which was 95. It was in the low 70s when I started chemo, went down to 44 after the first round and is now 95. I've read that this is not an uncommon occurrence with chemo and the chemo nurse called me and told me to come back in week to recheck.
But when I got home, I got an e-mail from my MO telling me she is referring me to a Gastroenterologist and wants to do an ultrasound on my liver. I'm really wondering if this is a necessary test at this point. I like the hospital I'm going to and my doctors in general, but I'm just curious if any others have had this high ALT during chemo. My inclination is to wait a week and retest before jumping into more testing, doctor visits, etc.