Just curious, has anyone here tried the baking soda/molasses protocol to treat their cancer?
Baking Soda?: Just curious, has anyone... - Advanced Prostate...
Baking Soda?
Check out the following thread of 5 months ago:
"Any thoughts on Baking soda and molasses? Manunka UMF +20 Coffee enemas as a means of fighting advanced prostate metastatic cancer?"
There were 28 replies, including mine.
I have always kind of wondered about this one. I think the whole idea is about making your body more alkaline. Juicing and eating lots of vegetables and whole foods is supposed to make your body more alkaline. When we talked to our Nutritional Doctor about the baking soda and molasses therapy he said that since we were juicing and eating plants we were already alkaline and not to bother with this.
Our new oncologist who was a naturapath before becoming an MD, said to focus on my husbands immune system and digestive system. I think the therapies that support these parts of your bodies would be best.
Beta Glucans can help your immune system and then good probiotics for your digestive health. Possibly drinking some really good aloe every day might be beneficial.. aloe1.com has a wonderful product. None of these replace regular medical therapy though.. but they are good supplements/supportive therapy.
Regarding juicing.. if you have a Sprouts near you.. they sell fresh raw juices at really good prices. $3 for a pint of carrot juice sounds like a lot but when compared to making it yourself.. it is only $24 a gallon to buy. It costs me about $12 in carrots to juice a gallon.. so you are only paying $12 extra for someone else to do all the work. (It takes me and my son about 2 hours to do that much juicing from start to end of clean up)
I think Whole Foods also sells fresh made raw juices. .I don't know what their prices are though.
Any Dr. will tell you that it is impossible to change your bodies ph by anything you eat, and if you did you would likely die. The body has systems to maintain homeostasis .You can change the ph of your saliva and your urine, though only temporarily, and that does not affect the bodies ph. So many untrue myths to navigate in cancer, It can be overwhelming
Yes. To be blunt it does not work. There are many variations of this, but let’s deal with the baking soda and molasses. The thought goes that the baking soda is imbedded in the molasses (or maple syrup, etc.) The cancer cell absorbs the sugar fro the molasses releasing the baking soda which then can change the pH (acidity/base) of the cancer cell and kill it. Yes it does work in a Petrie dish. The problem is that the baking soda never makes it out of your stomach.
Baking soda or NaHCO3 is a buffer. It’s job is to neutralize acids. When you swallow it and it hits your stomach acid (HCl) the following reaction occurs:
NaHCO3 + HCl —-> NaCl (table salt) + H2O (water) + CO2 (carbon dioxide)
The carbon dioxide giving off is why you burp when you swallow it and is why people use it to treat upset stomachs. Thus all of the baking soda is gone before it leaves your stomach.
There are a lot of different videos of this on YouTube. It you look at the amounts of baking soda they use it is in no way able to overcome all of the stomach acid (HCl) that you have.
There was one study done years ago that they fed baking soda to immature rats that were designed with prostate cancer but were to young to developed their own stomach acid. In this one case they saw positive results. When the experiment was repeated on rats that were mature enough to have acid in their stomachs it had no effect
Sorry for coming on strong, but this is one of the myths out there that is dangerous. As long as you keep using medically approved treatments there is no real danger fro trying it. The danger comes when you use it as your primary treatment.
I think it works best on healthy people.
Crack me up !
I know we’re open to discussion here, but this is insanity. We have enough on our plates without wasting our valuable time explaining away ridiculous claims. I see enough of this on social media without bringing it here. Alkaline diets, Cannabis Oil, Vitamin B17, Big Pharma conspiracies, coffee enemas. Can we focus on the real world?
From what I've seen, poisons, radiation and nuclear waste products seem to work the best on cancer.

Not yet, although I understand that there are many versions of this protocol out there.
This is the one I have been anxious to try:
1. Use the Baking Soda and Molasses to bake a batch of Ginger Snap cookies, link below:
2. Serve them, along with a pot of freshly brewed tea, to a gathering of your favorite people while you still can.
3. Reflect on the sweetness of sharing laughs, hugs, tears, stories and home-made treats with your loved ones and the importance of savoring every moment of the life you have left.
4. Decide if the above is time better spent rather than chasing after esoteric and ineffective treatments for serious illness.
Mix with water, pour it on any battery terminals or battery acid and "Voilà" the acid's gone.
Many other uses but not for Pca.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 01/10/2018 1:30 PM EST
I worked my way through high school--yes, high school, in my uncle's garage after school and on Saturdays. As you said, using a solution of warm water and baking soda to clean battery posts was the first useful purpose I was taught about baking soda.
Hi Yu Andy
I am the one using baking soda and I am heading in the right direction.
When I first joined this forum on 1 December 2017 I thought I am going to be a genius as well as a lab rat.
I certainly am Deaf and Blind.
Back in January 2017 I withdrew $10000 from my pension fund and handed over to my Mum who then according to my instructions donated $4000 to the Council for. Deaf & Blind.
I am now being repaid/rewarded by this quality of living and pain/fatigue free.
Who of you would gladly take my current state of status quo and can continue to play golf and even manage sex without ED. Ha ha.
For some of you I for instance in this forum at least I do not intend to emulate your cancer journey.
I thought at first I need to be a lab rat or become a genius to prove myself.
Oh what a stupid notion.
What I need to do now if my situation improves is to make another donation to male care (HealthUnlocked) and to the Deaf & Blind so that my Ears and Eyes are open to new realities.
Sorry no offence intended and you are all free to choose your own journey.
Again I am not going to prove myself again although now I have more medical evidences to submit to you later.
Don't be deceived and you all need not have to go through so much pain and suffering.
I am the living proof.
Hi dale339
I know you are quite a devoted Christian.
Prayers maybe answered but foremost a generous gesture like donating to male care (HealthUnlocked) and the Council for Deaf & Blind might just open your ears and eyes to some new realities.
I hope you can advance forward and be a healthier cancer patient pending a cure.
I am not a genius but I am certainly heading in the correct direction.
I hope some time in the near future I can provide more medical evidences.
Thanks Yu Andy
Was just checking on you and didn't find anything about you.
I currently had haematuria which after blood & urine tests twice over the last 7 days indicated no infection and other body functions OK. My psa however has moved up a little
05/15 0.94; 02/17 2.22; 11/17 16.46 (1st Cystoscopy); 11/12/17 19.13 (sexual activity); 27/12/17 23.71 (2nd Cystoscopy); 2/1/18 26.56 (Gross Haematuria/ not worse than some who had chemotherapy/radiation); 9/1/18 29.64
The above psa might look scary and so am I.
The last 30 hours I have discovered more information and I can confirm that I have been stupid before. Three are a lot of information out there but my treatment is slightly unique.
I am able to eat/feast liberally as I have often quoted and yet I am strong.
Now I am even more confident in my journey ahead.
Just be kind and generous.
Look my good gesture (donating to the Deaf & Blind benefits me and I am truly rewarded.
So I suggest if you need to have your ears and eyes open donate generously to male care & Deaf & Blind.
Sorry if I cause offend to some. I apologise sincerely.
A new reality is under way for me.
Do you know just believing it actually increase my ph level and help me cure my cancer.
Laughter is the best medicine. LOL
Hi Nalakrats
I am sorry that I have to reply on your comment.
This morning as I took my Urine pH and it is showing 6.0. I was probably worrying too much as I did not like to confront you.
In my Food pH chart it had baking soda @ 9.0 same as green tea.
And the stress/worry has an acidic pH @ 3 so I wondered whether I have unintentionally caused my pH to drop below my target of 7.0.
Yesterday I was at work. By the way I am a syrup maker in the 2nd largest beverage company and we also manufacture for 3rd party like Jack Daniel & Cola cans & bottles so I do quite a lot of different concoction in making millions of soft drinks.
Out of curiosity I checked pH of Lipton tea and it is pH 5.67 and just then I brew another tea which was produced in Vietnam with pandas leave flavour and it is > 8.0
So my pH hypothesis still stands.
And regards to your "armchair chemist" I checked for definition in dictionaries/google it came out nothing so I don't understand the term.
Funny enough while google it put me on u tube and I think you should look at it as it mentioned knowledge/creativity. TedxTalks Tinkering with (Bio) Engineering Education: Stephen Fong at Ted x RVA
You said about my regime with baking soda and it would take 1 year to get down to be effective. I was wondering if I can hold off my PCa progress and if 1 year is required I am definitely delighted and will want to go for it (thinking of all the unnecessary pain/side effects and very very uncomfortable/unjustified)
I thought I would be the pioneer and I discovered I was ignorant and stupid.
What I do was finding the link and I am on track.
So this is my story and thanks for being patience,
Very good!
IM ON IT. ! Thanks !
Thanks Nalakrats for defining the preparation and explaining the theory. I am not a chemist. I am an engineer. The simplistic approach is often overlooked. While I "wait and see" for my PSA to cross the "recurrent" threshold for the second time I will try this. Maybe I will never reach the next fork in the road. I would rather be proactive than reactive. I don't see a downside.
I do follow my doctors instructions but like you and many others I spend a lot of time at NCBI reading and searching. It’s a tough read for me but I do find “nuggets” of information that I know have real science behind them. Are they guarantees....absolutely not. But if there are then they are keeping it a secret otherwise I’d already be cured. Thanks again.