Has anyone tried baking soda mixed with molasses or maple syrup ? I met people who swear by it .
Has anyone tried baking powder mixed ... - Advanced Prostate...
Has anyone tried baking powder mixed with molasses or Maple syrup ? I met people who swear by it .

Is it supposed to be a tasty snack to curb hunger or do something else?
If "do something else", what is it?
Is the "doing something else" supported by science?
If so, can you please provide sources?
Thanks in advance.
I’ll bet you some of TA’s waffles that he’s confusing baking powder for baking soda, and he’s talking about claims that it cures cancer.
YouTube and other sites are riddled with claims about it from about 10 years ago.
Sounds right up there with alkaline water to change your bodies pH to cure cancer.
Baking soda sure helps with my indigestion though.
I make waffles with that every Sunday.
French Toast, but real Canadien Maple Syrup only!

I beg to differ. Vermont syrup only - preferably dark amber!!!
Do you add a little apple cider vinegar?
You’re on a “roll” this week TA.
Baking Powder=Baking soda+Cream of Tartar (Tartaric Acid instead of Acetic Acid (vinegar)) ->CO2 + NaTartrate
Why would you ruin good waffles with baking soda, yuck.
I was referencing his humorous response to someone who’d asked if anyone had tried apple cider vinegar the other day. 😉
No baking powder means flat, dense and crunchy waffles, if you like that sort of thing. Virtually every waffle recipe and mix has baking powder.
Folding in beaten egg whites as the last step is key. Most don’t do this.
With Vermont gold?
Yes! Thanks again! I even invited a friend from Quebec to taste it, and he begrudgingly admitted Vermont's is better (the butter knife I was holding had nothing to do with it 😃)
Be sure to put the baking power in the waffles not mixed with the maple syrup unless it comes that way from Vermont but them it might not cure your cancer. Who ever thought healthcare was so complicated
Baking powder goes into the waffles (how do you make waffles without it?) Syrup goes over the cooked waffles.
I don’t make waffles. I should I have a great old commercial waffle maker. Please provide your recipe. What about stiffly beaten egg whites. I used to bake a fair amount. I understand baking powder. I should use more of it because I hear it cures prostate cancer. Who knew that healthcare could be so complicated.
Oh but you’ve probably never had fried oatmeal with maple syrup for breakfast 😁
Never had fried oatmeal - is it like fried polenta?
Not sure but it’s like fried corn meal mush- polenta is vey much the same thing. The oatmeal or mush is leftover from the first meal. It’s placed in a pan and is about 2 inches thick. Put in the fridge overnight. Next morning you cut it into small chunks. Then you fry it up in butter. While it’s still hot pour over the butter and maple syrup. Eat it up yum🤪
Swear...! Be nice
Make me swear if I had to try it
I'm obviously a troglodyte. I have never had waffles.
The theory is that cancer feeds on glucose and that the sodium bicarbonate neutralizes acid and cancer thrives in an acid rich environment. The SB will not change blood ph, it only changes urine ph and will raise your BP due to the sodium. Your kidneys produce bicarbonate to maintain ph throughout the body which is very low in the stomach and about 7.3 or a little higher in the blood. It has been found to be beneficial for folks with kidney disease and can delay time to dialysis. Now to answer your question, I tried it and yet here I am. God Bless!
I tried BS with maple syrup for a few days. My urine and saliva pH got more alkaline. Nothing significantly changed with my mets or PSA. I tried many such things including apricot pits and hot pepper, and the only thing that had any effect was lycopene.
Great info Thank you
Lycopene in pills ?
Pills and foods...tomato-based mostly. What seems best is spaghetti sauce,
Did you stop taking it ?
I take a small cup of V8 juice every morning and empty lycopene from a pill into my foods twice a day, like on fried potatoes or in soup... read my bio.
I also work lycopene rich foods into my foods regularly, like in chili, with pasta, tacos, etc. I grow tomatoes and have all I need.
I think I'll have my usual......... Mickey D's egg McMuffin served in bed with a very hot voluptuous woman who's a mute but can eek out moans or groans (real ones or fake ones).....
Shoot: No one said I can't dream......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 10/10/2023 10:08 AM DST
Mmm. Pancakes!
I don’t like waffles
Sticking with low sodium V8
On my death bed you won’t catch me saying
“I could of had a V8”
Sounds good on pancakes?
This thread reminds me of when I was in grade school and I'd ask a question to the teacher and some bully would laugh and ridicule... and then, in true cowardly fashion, 5-6 others see that he did it, now they suddenly have the stones to join in and cut me to shreds...
I swore I'd not get involved in this childish quibber on here but I feel that for me to look the other way at this point would make me a coward, for not defending one man against a pack of bullies...
I'm speaking up not to defend baking soda or anything else... The man obviously read about it somewhere and wanted to ask people if anyone here has ever tried it... For that he gets attacked and humiliated....
Raminogrobis, I'm sorry you had to experience this... What a shame....
For what ......killing ants😜
The moral of the story is....dont ask open ended questions to a group full of emasculated men who jump at the oppurtunity to slap someone with their purses.....right on biatches...
what are they swearing to? You see the thing is if it were true, then everyone would be doing it and the pharma guys would just make it in pill form $5.00 a pill to account for FDA regulation and research expenses. Not denigrating pharma as they’re the ones having a lot to do with why we are still around. Same applies to most supplements.
Maybe rat poison might work but it might kill the host.
you need laboratory proof and clinical trials to substantiate its healing properties
I'm all for alternative therapies if there is info that supports it, but that just sounds like internet Mumbo-jumbo. Two good sources for checking on such things are the pcri.org and themossreport.com. Stick to modified citrus pectin & curcumin and similar items that at least have a clinical track record.
Can you actually tell you've benefitted from MCP or curcumin? Or you've just been stable while using it with regular treatment?
I started supplements and dietary change once I had the diagnosis. With just that, I took my PSA down about 30% from 29 to 20 over a few week before ANY medical treatments. Hormone treatment now has it down to 2.7, but I am keeping my protocols in place since I am on the borderline of spread.
I've done it with maple syrup and also, separately, with blackstrap molasses (both used baking soda). Since I've been stable on Lupron last 5 years, hard to tell it's effectiveness. I've done at least 6-7 multiweek rounds of it.