What is a safe PSA level for a 74 year old man
Prostate : What is a safe PSA level for... - Advanced Prostate...

Just got my PSA score today 4.3 a few months ago it was 4.7
I'm 74 and very active with hiking, kayaking and working out every day at the YMCA
My urologist is not to concerned as my score is not over a PSA of 6
I will see him in July.

Hi Birdmeister666 While it is fair to say that there is controversy about what is an age specific "normal" PSA, I think it is also fair to say that the odds of you having a life threatening prostate cancer are small. I think that your urologist is giving you sage advise. That said, the decision to proceed to a biopsy is ultimately yours. If you think you will get more peace of mind from "knowing as much as you can," then do discuss a biopsy with your urologist. Please feel encouraged to post any other questions that you may have.
PSA levels are varied from man to man. It depends on the size of your prostate gland, the larger the gland the higher we would expect to see a PSA. Generally, it is considered normal to have a PSA under 4.0, but this is a general number which does not account for our individual differences. The change in your PSA over time is as important as the actual number. As we age our prostate gland grows and our PSA will also go up. When the number goes up quickly over a short period of time there is some reason to follow up with your doctor. You should also be having routine digital rectal exams so the doctor can follow physical changes or abnormalities in the prostate gland.
I'm 74 with a recent PSA of 4.3 down from 4.7 . Got the test from my primary Doctor. I see my urologist in July. With another PSA test. He will probably put the scop back up to check the size. See if their are no lumps, etc. if suspicious he may perform a biopsy.
Thanks for your reply
Past PSA's 2014 after a Foley catheter was in after surgery PSA 12 three months later PSA 4.6 several months later 4.7 Last week 4.3 The lab code was R97.2 Doctor said it converted to 4.3
Honestly, I don't think that your PSA by itself is at all concerning. Why are you concerned?
I'm the opposite. Considered my PSA which was 4.5 not so bad. But like you, very healthy and active at 62. Long story short, stage 1 PCa. Biopsy was inconvenient, mildy painful and no complications. Decided to do biopsy to rule out cancer. Was mildly shocked to hear the diagnosis. Just my two cents. Btw the repeat PSA was at 4.0!
I guess my point is you take a risk not getting biopsied and there's a risk getting biopsied.
The risk is real but if you require you Dr to take a faecal sample. Have that tested for any bad bugs that are resistant to the normal antibiotics that they give be fore the biopsy then it will be a lot safer. From ignorance I did not have that done and spend 5 days in the hospital with a severe infection.