Greetings, I am 66, recently diagnosed with ADHD (inattentive). I have no hyperactivity, never have. I never considered I might have this issue. My problem is my severe avoidance and procrastination tendencies. They are creating significant issues for me that have gotten worse with grief and depression. (I am a widow.) I am in treatment for all of these things and on medications, which help but the procrastination lingers. At this point, I can't seem to motivate myself. My physician said adderall and related stimulants are not suitable for me because I also have a diagnosis of CPTSD from abuse in my early life, and those meds can exacerbate PTSD symptoms. The PTSD still rears its head from time to time, mostly under stress, and I definitely do not want to aggravate that. Does anyone have any similar experience?
ADHD Meds for Patients with CPTSD - CHADD's Adult ADH...
ADHD Meds for Patients with CPTSD

I have ADHD and cptsd as well. Doctors never cautioned with any of the stimulants, adderall included. It can raise anxieties, so can sometimes make my brain worried about the costs trigger's, but it can also allow you to pick and choose whether to focus on those thoughts if you are on the right medication. None of the syimulants worked for my anxiety and ADHD, but Cubans is amazing for my partner, who also has ADHD and cptsd. I am finding g better relief on Stratera.doctors are generally more concerned of stimulants as you age because our bodies can have heart attacks easier on stimulants (or so they think).
As for the procrastination, it seems more like the depression is getting you. You may need an adjustment of those meds. Also, try and find a hobby that gets you socializing. Having an accountability partner really helps me. Any visual reminder of the things you are procrastinating on may help as well. Zen hugs 🫂
It’s not the depression. I’ve been in treatment for that for years and am doing as well as I think I ever will with thar. It’s the adhd from what I’ve read and discussions with my doctor. Procrastination is a known symptom with adhd.
Hi. Repeating what Mamamichl said, I too have adhd (completely inattentive….can stare at a blank wall for hours I think lol), and cptsd, anxiety and depression. I take vyvanse and there was no concern with regards to cptsd, unless your doctor is referring to the anxieties. For me, the stimulant doesn’t make my anxiety worse, like it doesn’t bring on anxiety for me, but if I am in an anxiety provoking situation my symptoms will feel worse on the stimulant. For me, the pay off is worth it. I recognize that it’s the med that is making me feel worse, and of course it goes away.
Other than the stimulant nothing worked for me for motivation and such. Healthy suggestions are short lived, maybe because of depression, idk.
Freebird_1957, Your post along with Mamamichl and Amiwrong's replies have been a great balm for me working through my own daily ADHD saga; because in the very act of you sharing your feelings, worries and struggles, which are so close to mine, I don't feel as alone, as isolated and as worn down by my struggles. I'll try to write more about this tomorrow, but for now I am feeling how true the saying "trouble shared is halved" is for me having read your posts. Thanks.
Hi Freebird_1957, I've been bothered by maybe a similar coupling between my ADHD (inattentive) and my PTSD and I really appreciate your bringing this topic up for discussion. Sometimes for me it seems like the ADHD and PTSD are fighting each other, each trying to be stronger than the other taking turns to make the symptoms of both much worse.
My PTSD shows up as high anxiety and severe bouts of stress and tension from a really bad fall in 2022. My ADHD got out of control cause I had to stop all good meds (adderall) and take not so good meds for the head injuries from the fall. I was also limited in my Physical exercise so I couldn't combat either the PTSD stress or the ADHD symptoms.
I've been back on adderall for several months now and I've been able to do heavy physical activities as well. Both meds and physical activity reduce feelings of being helpless to both PTSD and ADHD. Both help me stay a little longer in the present moment, not jumping ahead to the next thing.
To get back to some possibly helpful points. As I said, for me the adderall, or similar meds, and physical activity are essential. But I can't just finish one thing and go to the next on my list. I have to stop and force myself to sit a moment with finishing a task, no matter how small. I can relax just a bit. Otherwise I jump ahead to one of the endless number of next things and so I never gain any satisfaction or even feel like I've done anything worthwhile. After a while, I just grind to a stop cause I know I can never finish everything so why start anything. What a trap.
Also being with people helps get me out of my jumping mind. I have a small (really small) group of people I have known for a long time and that I feel safe with being around AND so I can be in situations that I don't have to keep doing or that I have to control.
Reading these posts and connecting with others like myself is also a treasure.